Effective Communication: The Importance Of Relationship And Employee Communication

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Introduction Good relationship in business requires many different skills especially if they are willing to compete on high level in a 21st century growing epidemic market, they have to take a close look at the human side of their organization, hand by hand on improving their business. So to define this relation an employer/employee relationship is based on healthy communication, where they share responsibility, work practices, conditions and other aspects of working life. This relationship is fundamental for corporate prosperity and without it the organization will doom. But let’s focus here on the traits of a leader whose responsible for the success of this relation, according to Jansen et al. (2013: 192-216), leaders must be social architects …show more content…

Useem states that leaders should have more personal interaction with his employees and make events as personal as possible such as a simple handshake and a brief look in the eye “Those small actions make an indelible impression.”(Useem p.76) Likewise Capelli et al. states in his article that leaders with effective communication will inspire their subordinates, he gave examples of three different companies in India showing their system of communication to resolve organizational or personal problems, such as a website where employees can post their queries and their issues will be resolved shortly. Or it can be made with eye to eye contact by meetings and u let these employees make the decisions for the company where no boarders are set on the table or o limit for the relationship between them.(Capelli p. 59). However, although Ladkin & Weber assured on the importance of communication, on the other hand they did focus more on the communication between customers and employees, as in their text customer comes first and customer satisfaction affects organizational performance, the leader in their text is the one who leads the team and makes sure they are going according to plan, he is strict boss who follows guidelines, and not so open minded about alternative views from the

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