Organizational Communication

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In today’s era of raising slogan of global village, communication has become a burning issue. The world has turned into a global village, and one cannot survive alone. As man is a social animal, he cannot overcome worldly activities alone. For the fulfillment of daily activities and usual deeds, he needs help from other people and have to communicate with others. Infect, in habitual life everyone spend a lot of time in communicating i.e. writing, reading, talking and listening. People spent most of their time in communicating, for the execution of routine activities everyone needs assistance and support from others. Then communication process starts, no one can communicate alone. There‘s always a sender and one or more receivers. Communication is a source of delivering messages form one to another. Through communication people share their ideas, feelings, thoughts and emotions. Man carries out his needs and also helps others by knowing each other. Communication plays a vital role in the working of any business. Organizations have to communicate to carry out their business activities. Organizations cannot meet their goals unless they have effective communication. In any business activity manager is a key player and the triumph of any organization depends on the relationship between manager and his subordinates. Communication is a ribbon, which binds the management and its official together. It is very obligatory for the success and excellent performance of any organization. Communication helps the organizational members to make both personal and organizational goals. And also help them to co-ordinate on the internal activities of the organization. To the extent the less effective communication of any organization is the less e... ... middle of paper ... ...e of those companies also increases who have effective communication. 1.3 Background Effective communication increases the efficiency and productivity of any business. And also make the employees more satisfied. Researches illustrate that effectual and well-organized communication positively relates to the job satisfaction, performance and positive attitudes of employees. A study by University of East London shows that the concept of communication is immeasurable in modern management, and it seeks to meet clear understanding between manager and all the employees. It explains that employee communication is the exchange and clear provision of information, commands and directions between management and employees. And it makes the organization to work properly and employees to be well aware about their responsibilities and duties. (University of East London, 2009)

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