T Mobile Weaknesses

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T-Mobile is a company that provides the people of America with cellular devices and service to their users. Because of their expertise of selling service and products that deal with that of cellular devices, social media is important to their company to convey their goal of making users happy with their prices and their service. The social media is used to show their new products as well as share updates to their companies throughout time. Without social media they can’t demonstrate the efficiency and reliability their company provides to its users, not only that but it reduces their chance to get the company’s name out into the world. T-Mobile seems to have a history with social media websites. Across their social media pages (Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Pinterest) they all seem to serve their different purposes. Their efforts to continually and consistently update their pages seem to be frequent. They have a good amount of followers to their social medias meaning they put out media for their users to be happy with. They have a sense of modern comedy and a level of sophistication that stands out from other company’s pages. …show more content…

They illustrate a variety of forms to get in touch and familiarize their company with their customers. They maintain a professional appearance while also giving off a user friendly and comedic feel to their pages. T- Mobile seems to appreciate their customers, and they represent this by calling them out at points on social media. However, with strengths there are weaknesses. Some of the weaknesses T- Mobile shares amongst their social media pages is not having a diverse content. Most of their content seems to be repetitive and to common for users. The opportunities they have emphasized through their social media seems to be the opportunity to the customer to switch to T- Mobile as they market their services nonchalantly through their social

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