Personal Statement Of Engagement Officer

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I understand the duties of a parental engagement officer requires working with other team members, families and organisations. I am a charismatic individual who loves working within a team and believe that with the support of others a team can achieve more. I am confident in maintaining effective professional relationships. I like to carry out agreed tasks and specifications efficiently and work well when given deadlines. I work well with deadlines as part of my degree I am required to submit assignments and multi-task all the time. To ensure my deadlines are met I try to use my time wisely and schedule my work load. Time management is key in any aspect of work life and education. I have a thorough knowledge of ICT skills, I did ICT for GCSE, I am always using Microsoft word, spreadsheets, PowerPoint etc. …show more content…

I have excellent effective oral and written communication skills and can relate to a range of audiences. Throughout the past few years through work experience and volunteering opportunities I have worked alongside a range of service users that come from diverse background and have diverse needs, For example I worked at Albion Health centre GP as a Admin assistant through this experience I developed my communication skills as well as my written and computer skills as I was required to update service users records on the

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