Job Corps: Career And Service

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Job Corps helps youth and young adults ages 16 to 24 who meet certain low income requirements obtain the training they need to succeed as workers in the United States. To graduate from a Job Corps center, you must prove that you're capable of meeting specific career success standards designed to improve your employability, social skills and chances for success. Overview The career success standards are divided into eight categories: Communications, Interpersonal Skills, Workplace Relationships and Ethics, Multicultural Awareness, Information Management, Personal Growth and Development, Independent Living and Career and Personal Planning. Each category is broken down into different sets of expectations that students must fulfill. Communication Requirements Without the ability to communicate effectively, job seekers can’t hope to achieve their goals. Students must show proficiency in oral, non-verbal and written communication; as well as active listening. Among many other requirements, students must also show that they're capable of acknowledging the views of others, following dire...

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