Why Do Women's Pay Underpaid?

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Doing the same job as my male counterparts and getting paid less? The wage gap is something I never truly understood until I got a job of my own; Although I don’t face this issue myself, I know millions of women do each year. By ignoring the fact that the wage gap affects women in the long run, ignoring the effects it has on struggling families which are dependent on the woman's pay, ignores our rights as humans. Therefore, companies ought to hire fair managers in order to minimize the discrimination women face in the work environment.
Through history, women have been underpaid and denied their rights, although it has decreased a significant amount from the middle ages to 2017, there is still a problem, and the underlying issue that has been …show more content…

Overall, women can make at minimum 4,000 dollars less than their male coworkers, who do the same job. (1-4) According to an article found on SIRS, “ lower wages hurt families. Nearly 1.6 million couples rely on only the woman’s pay and 4.2 million married couples rely on the woman’s earnings without a child” (1-2) Women in the work field are often underpaid because of their gender, and women with children are more likely to be paid less than women without; With this, we can visually see single-mother families, struggle to survive because of the underpayment, they receive from having children and from their gender. All of which should not be tolerated. To tackle this issue of mothers paid less because of the children they have, companies ought to hire managers and supervisors that’ll hire based on skill rather than gender. (1-3) According to an article written by Joanne Lipman, an editor for USA Today and USA Today network found that “African-American men earn less than white men, for example, through a Harvard Business Review analysis found that controlling for education, black men out-earn both white and black women.” (3-1). The wage gap affects minorities and women, but men of minorities are still more likely to be paid more than women in the same minority group and out of. Women's pay rolls are dependent on their gender and skin tone; Women are still promoted to lower positions than their male …show more content…

According to an article found on SIRS, in 46 states, to discriminate women because of their gender is illegal. Women are protected by federal and state laws which make men and women equal pay-wise. In 1963 President John. F Kennedy wrote into law the equal pay act which was supposed to be mandatory, but no enforcement was implemented and companies then and today often waiver the voluntary request. According to an article found on SIRS written by Gerald Skoning, “Vigorous enforcement of the arsenal of tough federal law and state laws prohibiting sex discrimination in wages will ensure continued progress towards the important national goal of true equal opportunity as well as pay equity for all.” These laws that were put in place to protect us, are not being enforced, and are often overlooked by companies, we need more than just a statement on paper. As the article continues to say, laws protect women against discrimination in the workforce, there are vigorous consequences for those who break these laws, (2-2) Since the 1970s, laws have protected women. The wage gap is a myth that has not yet died. (2-4) Although there are laws placed for anti-discrimination, that will not stop companies from violating these laws and as long as there is no enforcement, it will continue to be like

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