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Spanish conquest in Latin America
Spanish conquest in Latin America
Spanish conquest in Latin America
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The Spanish empire in the Americas faced huge political, social and economic problems in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. The empire was stretched to its limit politically and socially with the threat of an uprising from the slave population in its empire. The economy also played a major role and the outlook was just as bleak for Spain with the American colonies drifting towards independence.
Spain did not seem able to cope with its empire and had found itself in trouble with regards to mining which was at the centre of political and social systems, the military and the empire’s economic activity. By 1600, mining which was integral to Spain’s prosperity and growth, was under a huge amount of pressure. This pressure was caused by labour shortages, the rising costs of production and finally, as a result of mining being a finite source, the exhaustion of supply became a problem. If managed correctly the latter point should not have caused a problem however, the mining industry at that time was mostly privately owned with the state having hardly any control apart from the taxes it charged. The mining crisis hit the Americas severely, with Mexico feeling the full force of the decline in mining activity, leading it head first into a recession between the 1570s and 1670s. The main features of the recession in Mexico was a large decline in labour, leading to labour rationing or ‘repartimiento’ and subsequently a decline in the food supplies within the cities and mining centres. Although there was a recession within the Americas as a whole, not all countries suffered in the same way that Mexico did. An example of this was in Potosí, Peru which had become a focal point for Spain as it was the richest colonial centre after the 156...
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...seized this opportunity to claim independence and by the time Spain had overthrown Joseph Bonaparte in 1813, the majority of their former colonies had all gained autonomy. However, once the Spanish American colonies had gained independence, they all failed to unite leading to a reduction in inter-colonial trade and each area went their separate ways leading to economic, social and political problems within these countries.
Works Cited
The Penguin History of Latin America – Edwin Williamson
Chileans declared independence from Spain on September 18th, 1810. This led to decades of violence that finally ended in 1826 when the last royalist stronghold fell. The Chileans had many reasons for wanting freedom from Spain. One was the corrupt Chilean governor, Fransico Antonio Garcia Corrasco, who was involved in a conspiracy to steal smuggled clothes from a British frigate. During the robbery, the captain and some of the crew of the British ship were murdered, forever ruining the governor’s reputation. Fighting in Spain’s Western colonies also encouraged Chile
Originally Spain found success with finding gold or other mineral wealth not by colonizing, but by conquering and enslaving the local population, such as the Aztecs. As a result, Spain discovered that there was no gold or other mineral wealth to be found past t...
For four hundred years Spain ruled over an immense and profitable global empire that included islands in the Caribbean, Americas, Puerto Rico, and Cuba. After the Napoleonic Wars (1808-1815) many of Spain’s colonies followed the US’s lead, fighting and winning their independence. These revolts, coupled with other nations chipping away at Spain’s interests, dwindled Spain’s former Empire. By 1860, only Cuba and Puerto Rico were what remained of Spain’s former Empire. Following the lead of other former Spanish colonies, Cuban fighters started their campaign for independence, known as the Ten year war (1868-1878). This war developed into a Cuban insurgency which fought a guerilla war against the Spanish occupation.2
Bolivar illustrates the relationship between the Spanish American colonies and Spain. The relationship could be described as bitter, at least in the eyes of the Spanish colonies. Inferiority led the Spanish colonies to the ideas of revolution. Although their rights come from the Europeans, they do not acknowledge themselves as Europeans or Indians. The people of the Spanish colonies claim to be, according to Bolivar, “[…] a species midway between the legitimate proprietors of [America] and the Spanish usurper” (411). “Usurpers” meaning a position that is held by forces which entails an unwanted or uninvited relationship. It is because of the Europeans, as stated by Bolivar, that “we have to assert [European] rights against the rights of the natives, and at the same time we must defend ourselves against invaders [which] places us in a most extraordinary and involved situation” (411). This is also evidence of a bitter rela...
The Conquest of New Spain Cortés came not to the New World to conquer by force, but by manipulation. Bernal Daz del Castillo, in the "Conquest of New Spain," describes how Cortés and his soldiers manipulated the Aztec people and their king Montezuma from the time they traveled from Iztapalaopa to the time when Montezuma took Cortés to the top of the great Cue and showed him the whole of Mexico and its countryside, and the three causeways which led into Mexico. Castillo's purpose for recording the mission was to keep an account of the wealth of Montezuma and Mexico, the traditions, and the economic potential that could benefit Cortés' upcoming conquest. However, through these recordings, we are able to see and understand Cortés' strategy in making Mexico "New Spain." He came as a wolf in sheep's clothing and manipulated Montezuma through his apparent innocence.
The elites, peninsulares, were European born and ruled Latin America in all aspects. Criollos, their children that were born in Latin America, wanted more power. Much of the population, mestizos, mulattoes, Africans, and natives were still feeling the oppression from Europeans. All of these were causes to the reasoning towards independence. The consequences were much more complicated and long-term compared to the causes of independence.
THESIS : “ The United States didn’t want to get involved in the Spanish-American War, but was dragged into it due to yellow journalism, they wanted to control the seas, and wanted complete control over Cuba.”
Smitha, Frank E. “Rebellion against Spain in Latin America.” Macrohistory and World Report. Frank E. Smitha, 2011. Web. 13 Feb. 2012. .
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In South America, Native Americans had rebelled against Spanish rule as early as the 1700s. These rebellions had limited results, however it was not until 1800s that discontent among the Creoles sparked a widespread drive for independence. Educated Creoles like Simo¢n Bolivar applauded the French and American Revolutions. He dreamed of winning independence for his country. When Napoleon occupied Spain, Simo¢n returned to his South America and led an uprising that established a republic in his native Venezuela. But his newly found republic quickly toppled by conservative forces. Bolivar then got a daring idea; he would march his forces across the Andes and attack the Spanish at Bogotá. He managed to free Caracas then moved into Ecuador, Bolivia and Peru to do the same.
Looking back into history, at around the 1500s to the 1600s, people were very much the same in the sense that many countries were looking to aggrandize their economy and appear the greatest. It was this pride and thinking that motivated many of the superpowers of the world’s past. Two such monarchies in the European continent included England and Spain, which had at the time, the best fleets the world has ever seen. Because both were often striving to be the best, they conflicted with one another. Although England and Spain had their differences, they both had a thirst to see new things and it was this hunger that led them both to discovering different parts of the “New World” and thus, colonizing the Americas.
After three hundred years of suffering and oppression by the Spanish crown, and inspired by the fire of revolution sweeping over the world in places such as United States and France, the Mexican population finally decided that they could endure no more, it was time for a change! In this essay I put together some of the various factors of Spanish colonialism that led to the Mexican independence. These factors were the socio political conditions of nueva españa, the enlightment era, as well as various leaders
There were a few main points that led up to the Latin American independence movement. In, 1797 the Britain blockade of Spain took place for two years, which cut off resources and revenues for the country. In doing so, Britain had almost proved to Mexico that they could survive on their own in the New World without Spain. About 10 years later in 1808, Spain was in serious trouble with France and Napoleon Bonaparte had taken over Spain and appointed his brother King of Spain. Spain was in there own sort of disarray at this time so after proving to themselves
...nd in the west which would help to establish a fighting force in the pacific against the growing threats of the Asian empires such as Japan. Hawaii was annexed during this war and became a U.S. Territory later becoming a state in 1959. It seemed for everyone except Spain, the War was a good thing. Perhaps American loses would have been far less had it not been for the infectious diseases that Americans had never encountered. Because of his leadership and victories in the Spanish-American War, Lt. Col Theodore Roosevelt would later become the 26th president of the United States. He would die in 1919 and is to this date, revered as one of America’s greatest leaders. Because of Theodore Roosevelt’s leadership, he would influence the decisions of his cousin who would lead the nation out of a “Great Depression” and into another “Great War (WWII)” in the 1930’ and 40’s.
Spain had many conflicts, they had 2 empires. Charles V gave up his title and gave Habsburg to his brother Ferdinand and gave Spain to the Netherlands. The ottoman wanted to gain control of the area. Over time the Catholic church strengthened. The economy was bad, oversea wars drained most of their wealth.