The Battle of San Juan Hill

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Made famous by Theodore Roosevelt’s volunteer Rough Rider’s and the Buffalo Soldiers, the Battle of San Juan Hill (July 1, 1898), also known as The Battle of San Juan Heights, was the bloodiest battle of the Spanish American War. After landing on the beachhead, the US V Corps under the command of Major General William Shafter fought their way west toward the port town of Santiago. After an indecisive clash at Las Guasimas on June 24, Shafter readied his men to take the strategic heights around the city, while Cuban insurgents blocked any Spanish reinforcements arriving on the roads to the north, in what would be one of the most decisive battles of America’s “Splendid Little War.” 1 HISTORY For four hundred years Spain ruled over an immense and profitable global empire that included islands in the Caribbean, Americas, Puerto Rico, and Cuba. After the Napoleonic Wars (1808-1815) many of Spain’s colonies followed the US’s lead, fighting and winning their independence. These revolts, coupled with other nations chipping away at Spain’s interests, dwindled Spain’s former Empire. By 1860, only Cuba and Puerto Rico were what remained of Spain’s former Empire. Following the lead of other former Spanish colonies, Cuban fighters started their campaign for independence, known as the Ten year war (1868-1878). This war developed into a Cuban insurgency which fought a guerilla war against the Spanish occupation.2 The American’s kept a watchful eye on the war between Spain and the Cuban revolutionaries during the Ten Year War. News of atrocities committed by the Spanish Army caused Americans to sympathize with the Cuban revolutionaries thanks to the coverage in the American press.3 After the Ten Year War, Spain appointed General Weyl... ... middle of paper ... ... victories in both the Pacific and European theatres in World War II.24 Works Cited Hickman, Kennedy. About Military History. n.d. (accessed 12 4, 2012). Killblane, Richard E. "Spanish-American War: Battle of San Juan Hill." Military History, June 1998. Kinevan, Marcos E. "Frontier cavlryman, Lieutenant John bigelow with the Buffalo Soldiers in Texas." Texas Western Press, 1998. Konstam, Angus. San Juan Hill 1898: America's Emergence as a World Power. Osprey Publishing, 1998. Parker, John H. The Gatlings Of Santiago. Middlesex U.K: Echo Library, Reprinted 2006. Roosevelt, Theodore. The Rough Riders. New York: Charles Scribner Sons, 1899. Schubert, Frank. Center of Military History: San Juan Hill. 1998. (accessed 12 3, 2013).

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