Role Of Nursing Essay

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Role of the Nurse
Nursing is an essential aspect in the world, as for the older adult it promotes independence, wellness and health all while encouraging the highest possible quality of life (McMahon & Fleury, 2012). In the healthcare setting, care for the older adult is known as gerontology. The term gerontology was coined in the late twentieth century, and nurses who work in this profession are now referred to as ‘geriatric nurses’ (McPherson, 2016). McPherson (2016) recognized that the nursing knowledge and practices when caring for the older adult is a “a core element of eldercare” (p.423). Therefore it is easiest to consider care and support as two concepts that intertwine throughout the entire nursing profession. Care is the essence, dominant and unifying …show more content…

One significant impact of nursing is the ability to provide health promotion. Health promotion has a significant influence towards providing healthcare information to the older adult population, and in some cases is the only point of access to the healthcare system. In a study by the Canadian Journal on Aging (2016), a group of non-physician health care professionals were examined on how they facilitated the older adults population to utilize community support services. These support services play an important role in promoting independence and allowing residents to live on their own (Ploeg, Denton, Hutchinson, Mcained, Moore, Brazil, Tindale, Wu & Lam, 2016). The authors of this study went on to state that the “use of such services results in positive impacts for older adults (e.g., improved life satisfaction and mood; increased engagement in activities and their caregivers)” (Ploeg, et al., 2016, p.500). It is important for nurses to encourage clients to access these resources that provide support. Furthermore, the support provided by nurses has the intended goal of promoting the health and potential of older adults (Dubbleby,

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