Nursing Essays

  • Essay On Nursing In Nursing

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    Nursing in the 1900s to Present Genaro Merino-Sedano Gurnick Academy of Medical of Arts Once upon a time, my best friend, Bryan Martinez, often heard his mother’s medical conversations with friends. One day at school, our teacher confronted Mrs. Martinez and told her that she was able tell that Bryan was a son from a nurse. Apparently there was an incident at school where a little boy was acting out and Bryan told our teacher that the little boy was agitated, and to give him some medication

  • Nursing: The Definition Of Nursing

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    History of Nursing There are many factors that have influenced nursing as we know it today. It is forever evolving and changing with the times as more medical advances are made and new things are learned. Nurses of the past have changed nursing now, and nurses of the present will change nursing for the future. The definition of nursing is forever changing as new things are brought to the attention of fellow nurses. The current definition of nursing that is being used for the nursing program at Viterbo

  • Nursing Trends In Nursing

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    Issues and trends in the nursing profession are constantly changing due to discoveries in technology and research, changes in reimbursement and legislation, and the changing needs of our population; in fact the only constant in healthcare is change. This course has provided me with a foundation and better understanding of the need for higher education to empower nurses to become leaders and help shape the future of the nursing profession. Nurses are the “backbone” of healthcare and this is becoming

  • Nursing: Nursing And Professional Boundaries In Nursing

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    Nursing and Professional Boundaries Jennifer Bergeron Southeastern Louisiana University   As nurses, we strive to provide the best care possible for every patient. There is a standard of care that every nurse should follow while being careful to not cross professional boundaries. There are many aspects of care nurses should strive to accomplish to stay professional. The most important of these aspects are to be civil, ethical, honest, forgiving, to be better than good, consistent, be an effective

  • Nursing Turnover In Nursing

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    systems. The nursing population currently confronts sever shortages especially of younger and RNs nurses that could threaten the quality of care and patients’ safety, nurses’ job satisfaction, and organizational productivity. According to Flinkman and others’ fact that “Most countries within the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) have reported a nursing shortage, which is predicted to get worse because the current nursing population is aging”. Even nursing education institutions

  • Nursing Simulation In Nursing

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    Nursing simulation is a progressive method of education which nursing programs are utilizing to improve patient outcomes through giving students opportunities to practice and learn new nursing skills in non-threatening environments. Simulation experiences were first developed and utilized in the military and airline industries. However, many academic interest groups including medical and nursing education are adopting this technique. It is with hope that simulation experiences will allow students

  • Nursing Informatics And Nursing

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    nurses changing with the times? What is nursing informatics? Why is it important to me? How do I rate on the nursing informatics knowledge scale? What is my plan to increase my knowledge base? These questions should be at the forefront of every nurse’s thoughts. The information age has come crashing down on us from every possible angle in our lives, it affects how we communicate, how we educate, how we socialize and how we raise our children. Thus, why would nursing be immune to technology? These reasons

  • Nursing Intuition In Nursing

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    Intuition based clinical decision-making is described as nurses using unintentional thought processes without second guessing to form a care plan for their patients. Nursing intuition is not just a gut feeling, but it is a cognitive based clinical skill. Due to its intangible nature intuition is often disregarded and rejected as a competent way of knowing. However research has shown it is a valid decision-making tool that yields in early recognition of ill patients, and, therefore, increases the

  • Nursing Delegation In Nursing

    876 Words  | 2 Pages

    Delegation has been a very important element of nursing for some time now and has become more and more important over the years. In this article, it goes over the reason for the sudden interest and importance of delegation as part of the nursing process. Delegating is one of the many nursing tasks that is sometimes neglected to be taught. To delegate it takes an RN to remain accountable for a task that she assigns to a nurse’s aide. In the article the Board of Nursing Examiners rule and regulations states

  • Nursing: A Career In Nursing

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    Nursing has always been a key career in the health care system. Although it is not often focused on in media and stories surrounding health care, nursing is a career of great importance. If any patient was asked about their experience at a hospital or a care center, many will mention the capability and care that they received from the nurses. The health care system could not function efficiently, if at all, if nurses were not present to perform their part. Nurses are more than just physicians

  • Nursing Reflection In Nursing

    843 Words  | 2 Pages

    nurses to enhance their nursing abilities by encouraging them to reflect on negative experiences, in order to overcome similar experiences in the future. This essay will aim to demonstrate the importance of reflection within nursing, additionally providing me with a platform to reflect on my decision to become a nurse. I will begin by reflecting upon the factors that influenced me to choose nursing, followed by an explanation of the benefits that reflection has on nursing. The essay will conclude

  • Nursing: Role, And Nursing Roles In Nursing

    1012 Words  | 3 Pages

    There are many different roles in the profession of nursing. The role of a nurse is determined by experiences the nurse has had over the years and the particular needs of the patient at the time of care. Two of the many roles that nurses perform in the healthcare setting are provider of care and member of the profession. The responsibilities nurses have acquired over the years shows the value of caring toward the patient in need. The roles and professional values listed above play a major part in

  • Nursing: The History Of Nursing

    567 Words  | 2 Pages

    I am doing my research over nursing. Because it is good and you can help people get better. I think nursing is good because there is a lot of people getting sick. There is a lot of diseases and sickness going around (flu, anemone, bacterial infection….). These sickness are not fun. The history of nursing goes back 1000 years ago. The first thing they do is look at your education to see if they like what you are doing. If they like what you are doing then they will let you know what they want

  • Nursing Model In Nursing

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    The publication from the institute of medicine has garnered much interest since its publication in 2010 focusing on the future of nursing and the implementation of this with in the nursing community. The nursing profession has over 3 million members and is the largest segment of the nation’s health care workforce. Working on the front lines of patient care, nurses can play a vital role in helping realize the objectives set forth in the 2010 IOM (Institute of Medicine). One of the recommendations

  • Nursing Research In Nursing

    1441 Words  | 3 Pages

    Nursing Research Introduction Nursing education and research is a crucial aspect to the health care field. It helps in the implementation of new changes in the lifelong care of people and is also used in development of treatments that provide optimal level of health care. The research involved in nursing mainly focuses on development and promotion of high levels of standards in areas of quality management for long term illness patients, developing standards that reduce number of diseases in a community

  • Nursing Shortage In Nursing

    1433 Words  | 3 Pages

    The nursing shortage is a growing issue in the United States. The problem began in the 1930s, as there was increased hospital use. Nursing shortage makes some of the hospitals to close the beds or hire temporary nurses, which is expensive with the aim of filling the gap and providing less optimal care to the patients (Chan et al., 2013). The issue is not that individuals are not going into nursing but also the fact that the existing nurses are not going into education. Shortsightedness and retention

  • Nursing Philosophy In Nursing

    914 Words  | 2 Pages

    Nursing is considered one of the most trusted professions in the world. It is an essential part in the caregiving of sick, injured, and even healthy individuals. Developing a philosophy with any profession is the beginning basis of any practice. The nursing philosophy is usually incorporated from the science of nursing. That is because the field of health care is constantly changing, which causes the need of better competence in the health field of providing caring (Flagg, 2015). With nursing it

  • Nursing Portfolio In Nursing

    948 Words  | 2 Pages

    have caused a delay along the way, eventually redirection corrected the pathway for the achievement of this dream, which was an Associate of Science in Nursing (ASN) degree, nearly twelve years ago. At that time, this was an acceptable goal, however with the ever changing healthcare field, I was wrong. Education, not only in life, but in the nursing field is ongoing and necessary to keep up with these changes. When locating articles for research papers during attendance at Jacksonville University

  • Nursing Stereotypes In Nursing

    1226 Words  | 3 Pages

    Nursing is a profession that should be highly respected. However, many people don’t see the education and devotion that goes into this career. Nursing has a lot of stereotypes that blemish its reputation. As a current nursing major I am angered and saddened by this lack of respect. Nursing is an honorable profession because nurses save lives and also comfort lives on the verge of passing. Nurses are the ones at the patient’s bedside. It is a nurse’s care and compassion that leads to patients care

  • Nursing Definition Of Nursing

    1019 Words  | 3 Pages

    The definition of Nursing is “providing to individuals and groups nursing care requiring specialized knowledge, judgment, and skill derived from the principles of biological, physical, behavioral, social, and nursing sciences” (Ohio Revised Code 4723 [ORC], (2016). It is more than providing care for the sick, it encompasses the promotion of health, prevention of illness, and care of physically ill, mentally ill, and disabled people of all ages, in all health care and community settings. Registered