Professionalism In Nursing Essay

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Professionalism in Nursing and
Embodying the Ideals When describing what it means to be professional it is imperative to differentiate the characteristics of a professional versus other types of employed individuals. Professionalism is often constructed on the grounds of having a more developed knowledge base in a given field as well as possessing legal and ethical standards that set parameters for how services are rendered. In addition, professional individuals often belong to certain organizations that promote a sense of connectedness of its members while helping to increase the knowledge base of all involved. Networking opportunities abound when one participates in such organizations which helps fulfill the need to further educational …show more content…

They assess situations and weight options in the attempt to select the most appropriate means of action for the patients they care for. Though responsibilities of a professional nurse often times appear limitless, essential practices often include promotion of health and wellbeing either in the hopes to improve health status or maintain the current level of wellness, prevent diseases from occurring or prevent further deterioration of one’s health, administering appropriate medications or therapeutic agents, reducing pain, and educating patients on sound health practices. As this list is not finite, it is important to recognize that the duties of nurses continue to evolve as health research advancements are made. In addition to the traditional tasks centered on patient care, nurses, now more than ever, are also expected to be proficient in the use of technological aids all the while remaining leaders in a role that is consistently expanding (Huber, 2015). In order to embody professionalism in nursing, it is vital that one make a concerted effort in maintaining and furthering their education and skill set as well as expanding the ways in which they care for their

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