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Professionalism in the Workplace Professionalism in the workplace in many professions can be simplified into general categories such as neat appearance, interaction with clients, punctuality, general subject knowledge, and likability. In nursing, professionalism encompasses a much more broad and inclusive set of criteria than any other profession. Nurses specifically are held to a higher standard in nearly every part of their job. Nurses are not only expected to uphold what it seen as professional in the aforementioned categories, but they are also expected to promote health, wellbeing, and advocate for patients, but also continually provide the highest standard of care, demonstrate exemplary subject and procedural knowledge, and abide by the Code of ethics set forth by the American Nurses Association. This Code of Ethics includes the complex moral and ethical principles of autonomy, beneficence, nonmaleficence, fidelity, honesty, and integrity. In the code of ethics, the very first ethical principles that nurses are expected to uphold in order to exemplify that they are competent professionals are autonomy, beneficence, and nonmaleficence. That is, nurses as professionals are expected to advocate for their patients while preserving their respect and dignity and …show more content…
(2013). Perceptions of Professionalism Among Nursing Faculty and Nursing Students. Western Journal of Nursing Research, 35(2). Retrieved August 12, 2017, from https://search.proquest.com/docview/1271935717/6ECD9F3DC1A042CFPQ/3?accountid=37812. Keeling, J., & Templemann, J. (2013). An exploratory study: Student nurses' perceptions of professionalism. Nurse Education in Practice, 13(1). Retrieved August 12, 2017, from https://search.proquest.com/docview/1266097491/6ECD9F3DC1A042CFPQ/9?accountid=37812. Williams, L. S., & Hopper, P. D. (2015). Understanding medical surgical nursing. Philadelphia: F.A. Davis
A code of ethics provides a standard by which nurses conduct themselves and their practice, observing ethical obligations of the profession and providing quality care. To achieve its purpose, a code of ethics must be understood, internalized, and used by nurses in all aspects of their work” (Aliakvari, 2015, p. 494).
The most prominent resource that emphasizes nursing professionalism is an article from the Kentucky Nurses. The author Teresa Huber thoroughly demonstrates the idea behind nursing professionalism and the importance of being a skilled nurse. The author states that professionalism is “respect for human dignity and to never discriminate against patients” (Huber 2015). Professionalism isn’t purely based on appearance but also on the attitude of the nurse and the amount of respect a nurse shows their patients. It’s important for a nurse to never judge a patient and never make a patient feel like they are in the wrong, doing so demonstrates an inability to care for the patient in a respectful manner. Also demonstrating disrespect to a patient’s wishes and concerns will only worsen the rapport the nurse must make with the patient. The author also expresses that “We are accountable for ourselves” (Huber 2015, p.1) that nurses must take responsibility for their actions and make sure that they are giving the best quality care that they can give. If a nurse doesn’t perform to the best of their capability the nurse is demonstrating a lack of motivation and determination. This article reinforces core beliefs on nursing professionalism because it helps explain that a nurse’s attitude and treatment toward the patient is essential to perform their
Hood, L. J. (2010). Leddy and Pepper’s Conceptual Bases of Professional Nursing (7th ed.). Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
The Code of Ethics for Nurses was created to be a guide for nurses to perform their duties in a way that is abiding with the ethical responsibilities of the nursing profession and quality in nursing care. The Code of Ethics has excellent guidelines for how nurses should behave, however; these parameters are not specific. They do not identify what is right and wrong, leaving nurses having to ultimately make that decision. Ethics in nursing involves individual interpretation based on personal morals and values. Nursing professionals have the ethical accountability to be altruistic, meaning a nurse who cares for patients without self-interest. This results in a nurse functioning as a patient advocate, making decisions that are in the best interest of the patient and practicing sound nursing ethics.
Registered nurses abide by a code of ethics as set forth by the American Nurses Association. Some of the ethics nurses live out are: commitment to the patient, practice with compassion and respect, accountability and responsibility for owns actions and collaborating with other health care providers (Code of Ethics for Nurses, 2015). Nurses practice the code of ethics on a routine basis by employing the six fundamental concepts established by the Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN).
The main points of provision five of the ANA code of ethics are as follows: section 5.1, which is moral self-respect, suggests that nurses must care for themselves as much as they care for their patients. Nurses must do their best to maintain professional respect to themselves in regards of their competence and moral character. Section 5.2, which is professional growth and maintenance of competence, suggests that nurses must continue to self and peer evaluate themselves throughout their careers. Nurses must continue to learn current, up to date nursing practices through self, peer, and higher education. Section 5.3, which is wholeness of character, suggests that nurses must develop and take into consideration their own moral perspectives when practicing in their careers. Nurses are encouraged to express their moral viewpoint when it is helpful to the recovery of their patients, but must never express moral beliefs based on social stigmas that could negatively affect patient outcomes.
While on the unit I made sure to use my time wisely, I completed my assessment in a timely manner, advocated for pain medication, checked on fellow nursing students, and kept patient’s rooms organized and clean. Professionalism was also exhibited in my clean outfit, with my hair back, name badge on, nails cut, and appropriate footwear and clinical tools on hand.
Professionalism, within the nursing context, can be a concept that is complex. The definition of professionalism, according to the textbook, Nursing Now!, is “The demonstration of high-level personal, ethical, and skill characteristics of a member of a profession” (Catalano, 2017, p. 5). There are many characteristics that define professionalism in the workplace and actions that a nurse can take to portray a professional attitude and manner. In nursing school, professionalism is taught in the classroom using different examples of education.
Professionalism plays a significant role in how a person is perceived; there are many characteristics to professionalism. The characteristics that are most important to me are reliability, punctuality, respect, knowledge, and presentation. These characteristics together represent the picture of professionalism
Blais, K. K., & Hayes, J. S. (2011). Professional nursing practice: Concepts and perspectives (6th “Rev.” ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson PLC.
Hood, J. (2010). Conceptual bases of professional nursing. (7th ed. ed.). Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
A. Explain the functional differences between a regulatory agency, such as a board of nursing (BRN), and a professional nursing organization (PNO) as it pertains to your professional nursing practice.
Blais, K. K., & Hayes, J. S. (2011). Professional nursing practice: Concepts and perspectives (6th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson PLC.
The American Nurses Association created guidelines for the profession including, a set clear rules to be followed by individuals within the profession, Code of Ethics for Nurses. Written in 1893, by Lystra Gretter, and adopted by the ANA in 1926, The Code of Ethics for Nurses details the role metaethics, normative ethics, and applied ethics have within the field (ANA, 2015). Moral obligation for an individual differs within professions than it does within an individual’s personal life, so the code of ethics was written to establish rules within the profession. The moral obligation to provide quality care include the fundamental principles of respect for persons, integrity, autonomy, advocacy, accountability, beneficence, and non-maleficence. The document itself contains nine provisions with subtext, all of which cannot be addressed within this paper however, core principals related to the ethical responsibilities nurses have will be
Ethics asses the values, morals, and principles of nurses. Legal codes or laws are rules established by our government. It’s important that nurses have a clear and comprehensive understanding of ethical and legal codes within their career. The understanding of these codes is essential for nurses to safely practice and to protect their patients. Nurses must abide by these principles or face the consequences of legal action. These principles include autonomy, utilitarianism, confidentiality, and many others. Autonomy is the agreement to respect ones right to determine a course of action, while utilitarianism is what is best for most people as defined in American Nurses Association. In order to give you a