Personal Narrative: What I Learned In My Writing

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I have to be honest it is hard to decide what was my favorite assignment as I really do not like writing. I did like learning more about Grit, fixed mindset and growth mindset. I have always tried to teach my own children about Grit and that they could learn anything they wanted and as much as they wanted. I never knew that this was such a rare thing in the world to teach your child. I thought it was something that most parents taught their children.

I learned that even though I do not like to write, I can write. I learned how to put my thoughts down in a better way so that someone might get something out of it and appreciate my writing.

I feel that I worked harder on my writing in this English class than I have ever …show more content…

I learned that you can not just do a halfway job of it. Going to school when you are a working parent is not an easy task to do. I learned that if I had gone to school when I was younger ,it would've been easier time wise, but maybe i would of not tried as hard. I do think going to school at an older age gives you one advantage over younger students and that is wisdom and focus on what you want.

I think the only advice I could give an instructor of an online class would be to check work w when it is submitted at least to make sure it transmitted correctly. I understand we are all adults, but with the internet sometimes things happen. I have had work that appeared to submit just fine and it never got to the destination. I am a hard worker and I know my instructors are too, I appreciate the work they do and have really had good experiences with my online classes. I take online classes because it cuts out driving time and time away from my family.

I would like to say thank you for teaching I realize that most of the time it is a thankless job, but from a working mom who is trying to better her situation thank

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