Nursing As Caring Paper

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Boykin & Schoenofer’s (2013) Nursing as Caring, a grand nursing theory, submits that all humans are caring and the caring interactions between the nurse and the nursed leads to the growth and knowledge of both parties. Specifically, the nurse/patient relationship leads to knowing the other as a caring person and seeks to understand how that person might be sustained, supported and strengthened in living and growing through caring. Through this caring relationship the nurse and nursed grow and fully live the innate humanness of caring. The aim of this paper is to express the impact of the caring relationship between the nurse and the nursed upon health outcomes. Discussion involves the application of Nursing as Caring in diabetes education …show more content…

Respectively, the three key concepts of caring work synergistically to improve patient health outcomes. Nursing as Caring dictates that first the fundamental expression of caring involves assessing, valuing and honoring all that comprise the holistic aspects of the patient. Second, nursing as caring involves listening, taking in what the patient said and how this impacts their health care needs and health outcomes. Third, being present physically and emotionally, by demonstrating understanding of the factors that contribute and affect the health outcomes for the patient. Specific examples in practice present within the collaboration of the diabetic patient and diabetes nurse …show more content…

However, Wood (2016) pointed to the fact that the focus of patient satisfaction outcomes often cites the caring attitude of the nursing staff and equating caring for the quality of care and impacting their willingness to learn and make required health care actions. However, the ability to quantify caring in measurable terms remains elusive in the ability to quantify the cost of time spent in

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