Multiracial Society Essay

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Nowadays, multiracial families who live in our country live in peace and harmony. Relations between different communities like the Malays, Chinese, Indians, British people and French are interwoven and form a united community. However, if the initiatives that must be implemented by all parties to maintain peace and harmony in our country? Our world is full of diversity which should be nurtured and cherished. Hence, what is diversity? Diversity is people coming together from different nationalities, races and religions to form a community. It is one that recognizes that people with different backgrounds, attitudes and experiences bring fresh ideas and perceptions. For example, cultural diversity. Cultural diversity is the quality of diverse …show more content…

One striking example of a society where many people of different faith live peacefully together is Malaysia. Muslims, Christians, Chinese and Indians all live together under one roof and share the same resources. From this example, we can see clearly that cultural diversification is one of the main advantages of a multiracial society. A person from one religion may learn about the traditions and customs of another religion and thus increase his general knowledge. It is as if the different culture of the world is brought to you in your …show more content…

Indeed, by being in contact with people of different races every day since very young, a person finally learns how to work and live with his friends of different cultures, to respect their values and to be proud of his own faith at the same time. The community of practice is also one of the measures to maintain harmony among the various races in the world. Practice good society can secure a plural society in the world. Public security can be maintained with the involvement of all races and every activity in a community. For example, the practice of annual community sports tradition with the involvement of each of the different groups accompanied by the adoption of attitudes that do an admirable tradition. If the traditional practices of a society with the involvement of all races are not practiced, certainly harmonious society cannot be maintained. In short, the traditional practices of the involvement of a pluralistic society can maintain peace and prosperity of the community living in the community of all

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