Education plays a vital role in shaping tomorrows’ leaders. Not only can we become a better nation by acquiring the skills necessary to be productive members of a civilized society. Increase knowledge to actively achieve and meet challenges that can produce changes in which are productive for attaining business innovations, political and economic objectives. Our world is constantly changing and it requires a society that is well versed in understanding the problems deriving from culture differences and tolerance of one another’s beliefs and perceptions. We are dealing with systemic problems in education, economic, government, religion and culture differences. To quote a phrase from Gottfried Wilhelm Leibnitz, "Make me the master of education, and I will undertake to change the world." If we are to change the world simply because we have and continue to acquire the education necessary to increase knowledge; we must never forget education along without the practice of inducing what is learned is not enough to produce attainable results favorable to sustain a society in the 21st century. We must become the voice of the people by getting involved to make a difference in the world by putting into motion what we have learned. When I was growing up, I remember attending elementary school, learning a new language seems to be difficult at first, but I was able to learn the English language because of the dedication of one of my teachers. Now, as I reflect on this experience, it is obvious that she was dedicated and enjoyed teaching her students to be successful. I know today that she made a difference in my life as I navigated through my education experience and high school years to present. I also experience the lack of concern of other teachers, not taking the time and dedication to teach their students to excel. In part, I strongly believe it had to with the culture differences that existed within the schools that I attended and the neighborhood I grew up. At times, I felt being part of a minority group created an environment, which I perceived teachers not to care about my education needs or whether I could succeed in life. Today, we have made strides in improving our education system in our schools. Yet, we are facing similar problems and perhaps even worse when teachers are rushing their students through their curriculum without taking the time to encourage and support them to excel in their classes.
There are many issues that may cause cross-cultural conflict in societies. These include language, religion, personal appearance, cultural norms and non-verbal behaviours. As a society, accepting and respecting different cultures to understand the backgrounds of where they come from opens up new understandings of acceptance. By being ignorant to cultural diversity and believing in a dominant culture is not demonstrating respect and understanding of others cultures. Religion can be a very sensitive and personal choice/ issue and in a work environment may cause probl...
For many centuries education has been an important value in many people’s lives. However, some claim education to be a waste of time. Many people debate the benefits and consequences of education in our society. The article “Colleges Prepare People for Life” written by Freeman Hrabowski presents this important issue in a brief but direct manner which is supported by its strong claim, its wide usage of evidence, and its use of logical reasoning and appeals connect ideas together.
Many great minds believe that education is a powerful tool. Investing in your education is the most valuable and most rewarding thing a person can do to secure their future. Influential people who have brought positive changes to the world have said: “The investment in knowledge pays the best interest”. (Franklin). “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”. (Nelson Mandela). “A brighter future starts with an education”. (Montgomery).
Education has always been in existence in one form or another. As each child is born into this world regardless of who or where they are born, life lessons immediately begin. He/she will learn to crawl, walk, and talk by the example and encouragement of others. Although these lessons are basic in the beginning they evolve as the child grows. However, the core learning method of a child does not change. Learning from others, they will watch, listen, and then act for themselves. Thomas Jefferson believed that an education would lead men and women to the ability to be self-governed and become positive contributors to society (Mondale & Patton, 2001). Today, we can see how true this is by the examples of others. Those that are given the opportunity for education are more likely to find jobs and develop skills that not only improve a community, but influence the economic growth of their nation (Ravitch, Cortese, West, Carmichael, Andere, & Munson, 2009, p. 13). On the other hand, if an education is not provided to individuals, they can become a hindrance to that nation’s growth.
Even our President Barack Obama has spoken about how important it is to make sure the children are being educated to their fullest. Learning the ability to think critically and problem-solve gives way towards national prosperity. Book, Higher Education. It is easy to see that there is a strong urge to get the best education you can receive for a reason. Education is and will always be an important factor in our society....
Once we open our self towards education it is hard to turn our backs towards issues around the world. Our mind starts thinking differently and we start to think how we can make a
“ ‘Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world.’ ” This quote, by Nelson Mandela, is a very powerful line. It states that with education, you have the most potential to change the world. Education is something that is, sadly, denied to many people. Education, or lack thereof, can change the path you take in life.
Time and time again, education proves to be an incredibly important topic. This is because the education systems are responsible for adequately preparing students for positions of leadership, responsibility, and power as they get older. As Albert Cornelissen, the president of Windesheim University of Applied Sciences explains, “It is difficult to predict what tomorrow’s world will look like. All we know for certain is that we are educating the professionals of and for the future, the next generation” (193). Since these students will one day be the leaders of the future, it is crucial that they learn from properly qualified professionals. As students progress through the years of
If you look in the dictionary, you’ll find the definition of educated to be something close to this: having undergone education; characterized by or displaying qualities of culture and learning; based on some information or experience. But I haven’t found this to be particularly specific, or really helpful at all. As I’ve come to understand, being educated is transient, unless you learn to be, as a truly educated person is, a life-long learner. True education comes from yourself, from gaining an understanding of yourself, and from honing skills such as creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving. These skills are what make a truly educated person, because they can use and further these skills throughout any aspect of their lives.
Everyone has struggled through difficult situations, but eventually we learn from our mistakes and try to overcome them. The theory explains how Lawrence Grossberg discusses the theory of the cultural studies and how it affects the present and future, the struggles people have to go through for example, economics, culture, media and politics. Therefore, in today’s society we all have encountered cultural differences in our everyday life experiences and have changed the way we look at life for the better or worse. Cultural diversity is in our workplace and schools; we may encounter stereotypes while communicating with others, even though we have different opinions about their cultures, values and beliefs.
...trated in the inner city where the worst, most impoverished schools are located. Therefore, even if they wish to attend school, they still receive have less access to good teachers and a good learning environment. And perhaps the most detrimental issue that minorities face is that they are often stigmatized as inferior. This causes them to be treated differently and it causes them to have low expectations for themselves, which leads to poor performance.
In our culture today, there is a huge emphasis on education, especially higher education. Society basically says the more educated you are, the better off you are. That is pretty much true if you live by the means of society. The basic idea that education, especially a college education, is something that people should pursue even into their adult years is not by any means a new idea.
With the global economy relying more than ever on brainpower and innovation rather than raw materials and manual labour as generators of wealth, a good education has become the key factor determining who will succeed and who will be left behind.
As the late Nelson Mandela once said, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” When it comes to the topic of higher education and if it is worthwhile, strong opinions come into play. Many people believe that higher education is valuable because there are undeniable benefits from the time put forth in college and beyond. On the other hand, some people also believe that college is not for everyone, and all career paths do not require a college degree. Higher education is a valuable tool from which the benefits can been seen in future salaries, personal growth, and in opportunities that arise.
Nelson Mandela once said, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” The importance of an education is repeatedly shown through past and present events. Those who can’t afford an education do whatever it takes to try and learn. They know that it will lead to a better future for them. An education will not only lead to a job with more money, but it will also expand people’s minds. They will be able to create new ideas and inventions. The best way for us to change the world is through educating our youth. With a better education, they can become inspired to invent new things. Some could grow up to find cures to diseases. Educating the youth is the key to changing the world. The children of today are the leaders of tomorrow. The best way for us to give a good education to our youth is by refining our school system. We need to redefine the term ‘education.’ Teachers in classrooms change the world because they are teaching the future generation that will one day lead. If we want to change the world for the better, educating the youth is th...