Importance Of Confidence In Nursing

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How to activate your confidence, use it to learn what you need to learn to become competent and successful in your career Most Nursing students associate their confidence with external conditions. I used to say, and I have heard students say “I am confident when I am not being supervised, I am confident when not doing presentations, I am confident when things turned out as anticipated”. However, all these are things you have to do in nursing school, you have to get supervised, you have to do presentations. Confidence is from within. Noone is confident all the time, the key is to activate confidence when you need. Anyone can be confident when things are happening on their terms. The ultimate challenge is to get the courage to move on when …show more content…

Think of all the things that need to happen for you to feel confident? Are those things in your control? If not then you have unrealistic definition and need to be more realistic. Say for instance if you are only confident when performing clinical skills on your own but become anxious and less confident when your instructor is supervising you. Supervision is important aspect of nursing school. Build a more realistic definition of self confidence and you will feel more in control. Remember: confidence in from within Confidence is your sense of power, certainly, and control, you can give it away or hold on to it and activate it toward your success.

How to conquer your inferiority complex while building confidence and assertiveness to build positive relationships.
Most students feel inferior and intimidated by their instructors. The fear to voice their concerns because they fear their teacher might fail them. The fact is you can't build positive relationship without communication. The mistake students make is to create distance between themselves and their instructors. I had students say that they feel nervous when talking to their instructor. So they will avoid conversation with their instructors at all costs. I think that this is due to inferiority

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