Essay On Leadership In Health Services

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Leadership in health services is extremely important for companies to function at the best of their ability. I truly believe there are positive, negative, and neutral leaders. A leader can either make employees feel safe and comfortable or have employees on edge. For me personally I’ve dealt with both types of leaders, I even deal with both types of leaders in my current job. For this assignment I’ve decided to write about my shift supervisor at my current job. In case we forgot I’ll give a brief description of where I work: a residential teen treatment center for girls 14-17 who are ask high risk behavior wise. The job requires a lot of teamwork, awareness, and emotional stability. Our jobs tend to become very stressful, some days more than others. It is so important for us to have structure and leadership. My supervisor, Sabrina, is the leader who falls in between positive and negative. She not only has to be a leader to our staff, but also to our students. This is where the positive and negative leadership role comes into play. The job is hard because you have to find this balance between being someone the students listen to and someone the students trust and respect. It seems as though my supervisor has not yet found this balance. She is typically someone most, not all, find demanding and rude. Most of the students complain of her …show more content…

I believe when working in health anything it is important to be motivational, inspiring, strong, confident, and charismatic. If you can be someone people listen to because the respect you and you motivate them, I believe you will make it far with health services. People want to follow and listen to someone who supports him or her in a motivating way. It is important to be exemplary, someone people want to be or strive to be. It’s also important to be confident because you are more likely to be followed if you “know” what you’re doing or talking

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