Molecular and Microbiology. Many people hear the major and shudder; thoughts of sleepless nights, studying for courses unintelligible by the ‘average’ person, mad scientists hunched over test tubes and doctors doing open heart surgery. Research science and medicine, that’s what my major is geared towards, and I’m pursuing the medicine side of it all. Maybe I’ll be that open heart surgeon that comes to mind, or maybe just a family practitioner, either way, I want more than anything to be a doctor, a great doctor, and while my M&M degree is the first step in making that happen, I’d have to say that being a Lead Scholar is the second. Many people may not see the medical profession as one that requires being a leader to others, as you make your own decisions and people feel that you work on your own. You consult patients, help them with their problems, you work on each one on your own. If there is any involvement with any other health professional, people think it’s more like a team, with little to no individual leadership. They’re wrong, and right. Being a doctor is being a part of a team, and being a part of a team¬ does take personal leadership.
Leadership in the medical field is vastly overlooked. Many people view leadership in medicine as a rise in ranks, in positions of power within a hospital or organization. They look at it as personal gain, a title, and less like a chance to actually lead anything, to actually impact anything. Since taking these leadership course, I’ve come to view leadership in the medical field more like the model I recently learned about, Komives’ and Wagner’s Social Change Model of Leadership. In their book Leadership for a Better World: Understanding the Social Change Model of Leadership Development, ...
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Source of Reference
Komives, Susan R., and Wendy Wagner. Leadership for a Better World: Understanding the Social Change Model of Leadership Development. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, 2009. Print.
Simpson, M., & Patton, N. (2012). Leadership in Health Practice. In J. Higgs, R. Ajjawi, L.
Ledlow, G., & Coppola, M. N. (2014). Leadership for Health Professionals. Burlington: Jones & Bartlett Learning .
According to Yoder-Wise (2011), “Leadership is the use of personal traits to constructible and ethically influence patients, families, and staff through a process in which clinical and organizational outcomes are achieved through collective efforts” (p. 612). The following paragraphs will explain components of leadership of an anonymous healthcare facility.
The role of leadership has become increasing valuable for organizations to be successful. According to Huber (2014), Leadership can best be defined as method utilized to ensure that an objective is completed. There are many different types of leaderships that can be found within each organization. In this paper I will highlight an example of a specific leadership style that we come across in healthcare settings. I will review my leadership self-assessment results and discuss the impact of leadership on staff and groups.
Why now? Why are we focusing on transformational leadership? Healthcare costs are continuing to rise. Some of the critical problems and active debates prevalent in many hospital organizations include the rapidly intensifying healthcare costs, funding and reimbursement cutbacks, and concern regarding the overall quality and safety of health care. “Healthcare systems have come under pressure to improve performance and manage productivity” (Botting, 2011). To be successful in the 21st century, there is a demand on healthcare systems to have a vision and executive and clinical leadership to inspire the change process and make the difference between success and failure in change.
Understanding one’s strengths and weaknesses is essential to becoming and being a good leader. “Purposeful leaders understand who they are” (Mayfield, 2013). The author of this paper has had previous opportunities to lead, and will reflect on her experiences using the assigned inventory. She will evaluate her skill set and discuss ways she can be an advocate for change with the hospital and community in which she is employed. Lastly, she will identify one personal goal for her leadership growth and explore different avenues for obtaining that goal.
Throughout this term I have learned so much about the world we all live in, how society affects us and how we can affect society for the better. One of the first readings we discussed in class that got me thinking was Susan Komives and Wendy Wagner’s “Understanding the Social Change Model of Leadership Development”. While we only read the first chapter, there was a lot to take away from the readings, and the most obvious one was what key components make up the Social Change Model of Leadership (SCM). There are countless aspects to the SCM but there is a clear difference between this style of leadership and the traditional concept of leadership. Throughout most of my life leadership has been defined as a single person who takes charge and makes
Northouse, P. (2010). Leadership: Theory and practice (5th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc.
Schultz, F. (2004). Who Should Lead a Healthcare Organization: MDs or MBAs?. Journal Of Healthcare Management, 49(2), 103-116.
Doody, O., & Doody, C. (2012). Transformational leadership in nursing practice. British Journal of Nursing, 21(20). Retrieved from
In the healthcare setting the registered nurse (RN) is required to assume a leadership position, the RN needs exhibit numerous leadership skills to effectively lead within a healthcare team. This essay will reflect and critically discuss the leadership role of the RN in ensuring quality and safe patient care, with ideas drawn for Dr Lucy Cuddihy interviews (2015). Effective communication is an essential leadership skill that is required by the RN to provide quality and safe as in the healthcare setting if communication is misconstrued it can cause irreparable damage or increase the risk of unnecessary mistakes. Patient centred care is also an important leadership skill for the RN as it ensures that patients receive the best possible care.
Kouzes, J. M., & Posner, B. Z. (2012). The leadership challenge: How to make extraordinary
Growing up I have always taken on leadership roles. I was always the organizers of group projects and was team captain of my club and high school soccer team for several years. This past experience with leadership roles has lead to me developing several of valuable traits associated with leadership. For example, I have strong communication and problem solving skills, which have helped me in my past leadership positions and will continue to be an asset in the future. Although I have had experience in leadership roles in the past, I learned through this reading that there is room for a considerable amount of growth. One thing that was a valuable lesson for me was that leaders must be followed as well as follow others at times. I have always took control of situations and tried to lead others, but now I realize that sometimes even leaders need to take a back seat and let their followers take some control. I will employ this in the future in the clinical setting to ensure that all of my subordinates or colleagues feel they have control and power over the decisions being made. This is definitely an area I intend to grow in and utilize in the future to enhance my leadership abilities. In addition, another lesson that I will put into practice in the future is building meaningful relationships with my colleagues. As a
Carter, L., Ulrich, D., & Goldsmith, M. (2005). Best practices in leadership development and organization change: how the best companies ensure meaningful change and sustainable leadership. San Francisco, CA: John Wiley and Sons.
Leadership is increasingly important in today's society. Many experts and scholars point out that the current leadership crisis concerns moral and character problems in many leaders (Ahn, Ettner, & Loupin, 2012; Callahan, 2004; Wright & Quick, 2011). The following interview report is intended primarily for exploration and comparison of the traits and characteristics of leadership. A leader of a clinical medicine centre was interviewed for this report. The purpose of this report is to explore the leadership characters and traits, and how they can be developed in this turbulent environment. First, I make a brief introduction regarding the background of the respondent and her working environment. The report also describes this leader's personal and subjective perceptions in relation to a literature review which investigates the traits and characteristics of leadership. The report concludes with a comparison and discussion of the results of the clinical condition on the basis of the interview and literature review. At the same time, the report aims to put forward feasible and effective advice and specific programs for present and future leaders and managers in the health care system.