Effective Communication And Interpersonal Interaction Analysis

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In this essay I will explain the role of effective communication and interpersonal interaction in health and social care. I will also demonstrate my knowledge and understanding of different Contexts, Forms and types of communication that would be used in a health or social care setting and also the Communication and language needs and preferences.
Effective communication is a discussion between two people or more people whereby everyone understands each other’s points of view and ideas clearly. There is also no confusion within an effective communication setting. In order to obtain an effective communication whether in a one to one communication or in a group environment everyone need to participate in order to achieve an effective outcome. In a one to one communication, the two individuals that are interacting must feel comfortable with one another in order to gain a greater understanding of the purpose of their …show more content…

In a usual one to one communication the peers’ start of the communication with a greeting such as; “Hello, how are you doing?” Depending on the period of time you knew the individual, depends on how fluent the conversation

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