Healthcare Essays

  • Intermountain Healthcare: A Modern Healthcare Ecosystem

    1223 Words  | 3 Pages

    Intermountain Healthcare: a modern healthcare ecosystem Intermountain Healthcare, Headquartered in Salt lake City, Utah, was founded in April 1975, when the Church of Jesus Crist of Later-day Saints donated all of its hospitals to the community. IHC is a nonprofit organization. It is an example of an integrated delivery system, spanning the continuum of care. IHC is comprised of three divisions, hospitals & clinics, physicians, and health plans. It operates 22 hospitals, 185 Clinics. Its physician

  • Healthcare Challenges

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    and opportunities of the healthcare services in the future, we divided the topic into what we collectively believe to be the four fundamental areas of importance. We propose to investigate the opportunites afforded by advances in (1)research and (2)technology, and question the challenges posed by (3)financial restraints and (4)life style choices. We will examine how these factors will impact healthcare services in the future and suggest some effective changes that healthcare services could possibly

  • Confidentiality In Healthcare

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    affected many different aspects of our practice in the healthcare. Social media and mobile phones have become an integral part of our daily life. Our everyday lives are being recorded and shared with or without our permission. Technology is an essential part of our clinical practice and continually improving to do more impressive things. Along with the advancement in technology, our thinking process and culture is also changing. Healthcare used to be a safe harbor of privacy and technology has brought

  • The Transformation of Healthcare

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    changes related to the enactment and implementation of the 2010 Affordable Care Act(IO,2010). As put forth in a report by the IOM titled,The Future Of Nursing:Leading change,Advancing Health,nurses,who comprise the largest portion of our country's healthcare workforce,have the opportunity to play a fundamental and influential role in this transformation while expanding and optimizing their own contributions to healthcare.The report focuses on several key points that would enable nurses to step up to

  • McDonalization of Healthcare

    1426 Words  | 3 Pages

    What happened to modern day health care? It seems like throughout the years modern day healthcare has altered drastically into a Bureaucratic organization. In addition, our social institutions are becoming more and more Mcdonalized. According to the article What is McDonaldization? “McDonalization is the term invented by George Ritzer to describe a sociological phenomenon that is happening in our society.” In essence, McDonaldization is the process of rationalization, albeit taken to extreme levels”

  • Healthcare: Relationship Between Healthcare Cost And Quality

    664 Words  | 2 Pages

    Relationship between Healthcare Cost and Quality Healthcare Cost and Quality In the United States the relationship between cost and quality of care is difficult to comprehend, the US has the highest per capita spending for health care in the world, but ranks only 26th in quality of care when comparing with other developed countries. The United States leads the world in excessive cost specialty and intensive medical treatment, but falls behind other developed countries in relation to low cost medical

  • Emerging Technology In Healthcare: Emerging Technologies And Healthcare

    1375 Words  | 3 Pages

    Emerging Technologies and Healthcare Emerging technology is a big subject in any industry. Technology is part of marketing, it helps any industry to stay competitive and flexible. This does not change with health care. Health care needs technology to stay on top of diseases and their management. Technology is a great tool when dealing with providing quality patient care. The topic here is not if technology can improve health care delivery, but how we can continue to use technology safely. Meanning

  • Essay On Stakeholders In Healthcare

    740 Words  | 2 Pages

    Role of Stakeholders in Healthcare Healthcare industry of U.S. is a complex industry made up of a diverse workforce. Healthcare organizations are constantly in need of new strategies to survive in a competitive environment. For a successful organization, it is important that decisions are made in the best interest of all the stakeholders. According to Celluci & Wiggins (2010), a stakeholder is an individual, group, or entity that has an interest in organization’s success. Stakeholders include all

  • The Purpose of Leadership in Healthcare

    1345 Words  | 3 Pages

    middle of paper ... ...of healthcare system stakeholder. There are wide ranges of stakeholder with different background in healthcare. However, the main stakeholder is the patients. It is important for the healthcare professionals to treats the patient. Therefore, it is important to give best services to the patients since the main interest of the healthcare organization is to provide healthcare services to the community. Conclusion The purpose of leadership in healthcare is to work with the other

  • Transformational Approach To Healthcare

    1291 Words  | 3 Pages

    The face of healthcare has undergone rapid growth during the past century. Improvements in technology and extensive research in medicine has provided masses with adequate treatment and prevention methods to ensure a healthy lifestyle. During this development, populations have increased and diversified. This cultural expansion has surfaced unforeseeable issues, such as the rise of new diseases, and has called for new demands. To keep up with the times, healthcare professionals have been pressured

  • A Career In Healthcare Administration

    1110 Words  | 3 Pages

    My chosen profession is Healthcare Administration. Healthcare Administrators plan, direct, and coordinate health and medical services in many organizations. They are responsible for administering the financials, managing personnel, maintaining boards, analyzing facility activities, and planning programs (11-9111.00 - Medical and Health Services Managers, n.d.). Depending on specific occupation acquired, several different softwares can be learned. Skills such as administration, customer service, human

  • Essay On Healthcare Disparities

    794 Words  | 2 Pages

    plays a key role in the quality of healthcare or health insurance services offered to patients. Disparities are ethnic or racial differences in the quality of healthcare. Ethnic or racial minorities tend to receive poor quality healthcare services compared to the majority ethnic group. The disparities in the healthcare system contribute to the overall health status disparities that affect ethnic and racial minorities. The sources of ethnic and racial healthcare disparities include cultural barriers

  • The Advantage Of Healthcare In Mexico's Healthcare System

    1141 Words  | 3 Pages

    Mexico’s healthcare system is quite inadequate. Even with a profusion of high-quality medical services and facilities, many people only have enough money for basic care. Even though the government has started spending more money on healthcare, it still has one of the lowest per capita disbursements of all OECD countries, outspending only Turkey and Estonia. Mexico started its hard work to make accessible full healthcare coverage in 2004, with a program called Seguro Popular (Popular Health Insurance)

  • Strategic Management Healthcare

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    controversial world strategic management is essential. In retrospect to the healthcare industry, these organisations can adapt to the demands of its environment prospers and those organisations that are not capable of adapting become decreasingly irrelevant. By staying relevant is the key to success. The rate of technological growth, social, economic, competitive and

  • Healthcare Professional Characteristics

    592 Words  | 2 Pages

    Health Care Professional For a healthcare professional to have an excellent and rewarding career in the field of medicine, there are certain characteristics that they need to have. These characteristics are necessary for any successful health care professional and they include: communication Skills, emotional Stability, empathy, orientation to detail, adaptability, and team player among others. This paper discusses the characteristics that I see in an excellent healthcare professional. One of the greatest

  • Healthcare Delivery Issues

    994 Words  | 2 Pages

    discuss how Electronic Medical Records (EMR), affects healthcare delivery. I will discuss the positives and negatives this issue has on healthcare and how it effects the cost and quality for healthcare services. In addition, I will identify any potential trade-offs to cost or quality. Lastly, I will discuss how the EMR affects my job as well as any challenges or opportunities this issue presents. Electronic Patient Data affects on Healthcare delivery In 2009 President Obama, through the American

  • Healthcare Administration Outline

    1089 Words  | 3 Pages

    In this article, I will be providing an outline to Healthcare Administration. You will be informed of the various roles we play in the healthcare community on a whole. You will also learn what are the criterias of becoming an Healthcare Administrator and the necessary Certification that is required to be successful in this field as well as land in a advanced role in the healthcare industry. I will also touch base on what my career goals are and provide insight on where I see myself professionally

  • The Healthcare Delivery System

    714 Words  | 2 Pages

    A healthcare delivery system is defined as the components and processes that enable people to receive healthcare services. The delivery system specific to healthcare is presently described as the quad function model which consist of four functional components, with each component being significant and possessing unique challenges. The four components include: financing, insurance, delivery, and payment.(Understanding the U.S. Healthcare System, 2016). This paper would seek to look at healthcare systems

  • Healthcare MBA Careers

    682 Words  | 2 Pages

    5 Careers with a Healthcare MBA An MBA in healthcare opens doors to lucrative careers in four areas: providers of medical services, suppliers of equipment and pharmaceuticals, insurance companies and administration of healthcare facilities. Each area includes hundreds of opportunities that range from hospital administration to formulating policies for governmental and health departments. Salaries and Job Satisfaction of Healthcare Business Management Healthcare management professions are among the

  • Healthcare Provision and Resources

    1028 Words  | 3 Pages

    There has been plans geared towards improvement of healthcare in the U.S to enable meet its population needs by improving the health status of Americans. Top on the list of its agenda is to provide appropriate healthcare to all people within the U.S. borders which is a goal that is achievable according to PR Newswire (2007). Healthcare Provision and Resources In the United States almost all levels of healthcare are delivered by the private sector providers. Many hospitals