Coaching Session Essay

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Coaching Session

After reviewing the EDUCATE Alabama Self-Assessment results with Mr. Teichmiller, we discussed his responses along with my thoughts based on previous observations. Furthermore, in regard to previous observations, we discussed strengths and weaknesses that potentially could be addressed within the professional learning plan. In preparation for the development of a professional learning plan we reviewed Scantron scores, standardized test results, classroom grades, and teacher observation results. The instructions for the completion of the professional learning plan were for Mr. Teichmiller to choose an indicator he believed needed support and improvement. In addition, we agreed that he would use the local indicator determine by …show more content…

 Notes
• Excellent use of high-order questioning.
• Would suggest the use of exploratory questioning when students answer a question with, “I don’t know.”
• Overall, great use of effective questioning.
• Formative Assessment o Uses strategies and tools to check understanding. o Asks scafolded questions. o Directs students to assess, adjust and explain their work. o Provides feedback throughout lesson. o Communicates to students their progress.
 Notes
• While I did not observe a formative assessment, there were evidence throughout the lesson that the assessment was to come.
• Excellent use of questioning to check for understanding.
• Great job of reteaching an item when students did not understand.
• Instructional Strategies o Explains and connects lesson to learning outcomes. o Integrates before, during, and after. o Chunks material and student interaction. o Use of TWIRL (talk, write, investigate, read, and listen)
 Notes
• Great use of TWIRL to encourage learning and understanding.

• Differentiation o Uses flexible grouping strategies. o Small group remediation and enrichment. o Monitors students to adjust instruction.
 Notes
• Good use of group

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