Teaching Skills Essay

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Teachers spend $1.5 billion annually of their own money on school supplies. 1 in 3 teachers purchase clothing for students including gloves, hats, shoes, and shoelaces. (“Surprising Stats on Teachers”). When researching the career of elementary education it stated that the first teacher was Confucius in 561 B.C. (“A Short History of Teaching”). The skills for teaching are creativity and presentation they’re important because it helps motivate and holds a student’s interest in learning. Those passionate about teaching point to the benefits of working with children and positively influencing the lives of their students. Teachers often struggle with the challenges of school budget cuts, large classroom sizes, increasingly demanding curriculum …show more content…

Patience is a valuable skill to have when it comes to addressing different learning styles, levels of competency and individual ability. The ability to communicate effectively helps educators receive and relay valuable information. Teachers have to be flexible and adaptable in changing their teaching approach to the individual needs of their students. (“What Skills Knowledge & Experiences Are Needed to Become a Teacher?”). What’s required to become a teacher is needing a high school diploma, enrolling into a college, and completing a teacher certification program. (“Requirements to Be a Teacher: Education and Career Roadmap”). A bachelor’s degree can usually be completed in four years. (“How Long Does It Take to Become a Teacher?”). The Apprenticeship in Teaching is a program to enhance preparation of graduate students as teachers. (“Apprenticeship in Teaching Program”). All students who have a minor or major in Teacher Education are required to take the qualifying tests. (“UTEP College of Education Qualifying …show more content…

Wonderful parents can make you feel like you 're making a difference, but overly critical parents can be a real challenge. Seeing students develop new skills information can be rewarding. At the same time, however, teaching also may be stressful. Some schools have large classes and lack important teaching tools, such as computers and up to date books. Most teachers are held responsible for their students’ performances on standardized tests, which can be frustrating. (“Kindergarten and Elementary School Teachers”). Teachers spend their days with students, colleagues, and parents, open to bacterial and viral infections. The American Psychological Association reports that approximately 7 teachers in the United States are threatened every year. In 2007, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention surveyed students as part of the Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance. Nearly 6 percent of the students surveyed admitted carrying a gun, knife or club on school property during the 30 days preceding the survey. (“The Hazards of Being a Teacher”). The excellence in teaching is a condition that could be achieved as a result of a very conscious process of continuous approximation. All that matters is that the students get the education they need so they can go further with their future. However, the most important thing is that a teacher should never give up on any student no matter how frustrating it will get. In this quote by Brad

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