Cheating Spouse Signs

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One thing a married partner should know, is how to catch cheating spouse signs. Some spouses don't notice the little tell-tale signs, while other are quite adept at it. Any small changes in behavior can be a tip-off. But it's not a give-away, it just means it's a good idea to pay close attention to other things that are going on.

Displays of odd behavior from your spouse may be a tip-off of infidelity. But it can also be a tip-off of a need that your spouse has that they're lacking, and calls for some attention from you. While the tip-offs get your attention, you shouldn't jump right straight to cheating as the root cause. Be patient, be diligent in your focus, and watch for other tip-offs that will indicate why your spouse is displaying this …show more content…

Pay close attention to withdrawals for things like restaurants or other suspicious bills that could be used when cheating. Suspicion is a driving force for learning how to catch cheating spouse signs.

Also go over the records for your spouse's cell phone. A cheating spouse, even if they're smart enough to have a hidden cell phone, may trip up and have strange numbers that end up on the cell phone that they know that you know they have. It's very hard to catch a savvy cheater. And you don't want a full confrontation without concrete proof.

Find good reasons for showing up unexpectedly at events your spouse attends without you. Make it a point to get home from work early once in a while, just to see what's going on. Bring up events in the company of friends of your spouse whenever they're around to get feedback on what supposedly went on, and match up reports between them all.

It's crucial that you know your spouse very well. This will make the tip-offs stand out like sore thumbs. Most anytime that a spouse cheats, there will be tip-offs in behavior and other areas that just don't make sense. The only way you can make sense of them is by adding a cheating scenario to

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