Reflection Paper

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For the first paper of the semester we were given the task of writing a visual paper. This was the first time I had ever written a visual paper and I believe that I did a pretty good job on it. One thing that I learned about this type of paper was that there is no real right or wrong way to write it. The point of a visual paper is to share with everyone what the paper means to you. When I revised it for the first time I added more detail about what I think the photographer was trying to say rather than just what I thought about it. For my second piece we were given the task of writing a position or report. I chose to write a report for a few different reasons. The first reason is that I was not as familiar with writing a report so I wanted …show more content…

I chose to write a proposal piece because it is a type of paper that I often struggled with when I was in high school. I picked the topic of students cramming for finals because it is something that is important to me. I believe that students often do poorly on exams because they do not know the correct way to study which often causes them to do poorly on the exams. A struggle that I had with this paper was what information was important to support my thoughts. I solved this problem by going to the writing center for help and they were able to point me in the right direction. I believe I improved in my writing throughout these three essays and believe that I have achieved all of my wiring goals and then some. Some of my favorite class activities that we had this semester would have to be when we would share our writing. Even though it was for me sometimes to open up and share my wirxing with people that I hardly knew. I also enjoyed how we wrote these three papers, though the whole semester. Even though it was hard at times, it is nice now to look back and see how much my writing has improved this …show more content…

I responded to every open ended question that was posted on D2l and when it came to peer editing I was able to edit everyone’s work and gave helpful advice when it came to helping people improve their papers so they are the best they can be. Some of my strengths when it came to group work is that I am a good leader in groups. I am able to keep everyone focused on a common goal. A struggle that I have then it comes to group projects is that I sometimes have a hard time trusting everyone to do their work. This is a small fault of mine is sometimes caused me to worry about other people’s part of the project. I believe that I did well when it came to class participation and group

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