1. Compare And Contrast The Theories Of Leadership Or An Effective Manager?

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1. Compare and contrast three leadership theories from chapter 1 (READ TEXT CAREFULLY). Which of the three would you choose to follow and why?
Multiple leadership theories exist; motivational theory, situational theory and moral leadership theory are just a few found in the textbook. Motivational theory states that of the experiments conducted, attention given to workers shows increased productivity. Therefore giving nurses attention and appreciation will motivate them to work harder. Situational theory focuses on adaptation to a certain situation. Remaining honest, fair and socially responsible is part of the moral leadership theory. Moral leadership theory is different from the other two because morals should be constant such as being fair and honest. Motivational theory is different from the other theories because motivation is not always constant, incentives to do a good job do not always work. Situational theory can be applied to both motivational and moral, because you have to adjust when given different situations. I think situational theory is the most important to follow, while morals and motivational …show more content…

Which is more important, working for an effective leader or an effective manager? Explain your answer.
I think it is more important to work for an effective leader rather than an effective manager. A person first must become an efficient leader before he or she becomes a manager. Working on a unit with an effective leader, nurses will go to the leader first before the manager, which is how the chain of command works. This will keep things in order and hopefully a solution will be found quicker. Furthermore to become a manager, one must show leadership qualities to attain that position.
3. Investigate the existence of a peer assistance program for substance abuse and/or mental illness within your state. Find out how the program is administered. What is its success rate? How does the program assist nurses?

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