final take home

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Ethical behavior cannot be successfully shaped and maintained in isolation. Therefore, the internal controls characterized by individual attributes must be usually consistent with organizational structure, organizational culture and societal expectations. These four components are key elements for designing an environment supportive of theses ethical conducts (Cooper, 2012 pg. 164).
The individual attributes are the internal controls which include skills such as making ethical decisions, virtues, understanding the character traits or inner moral qualities and professional value. Interest in virtue as a vital individual component in administrative ethics has expanded and strengthened in recent years. Stephen Bailey recognized three essential mental attitudes and three moral qualities that are desirable for all public servants at all levels or the government. The first mental attitude is an acknowledgment of the moral ambiguity of all the people and all of the public policies. The second is an acknowledgement of the related forces that conditions moral priorities in the public service. The last mental attitude is an acknowledgement of the paradox and procedures. The three moral qualities consist of optimism, courage and, fairness tampered with charity (Cooper, 2012 pg. 168).
Organizational structure is another significant set of factors in upholding ethical behavior in public organization is associated with the structure of organizations (Cooper, 2012 pg. 172).
In the field of public administration, they are very mindful of, even preoccupied with, the power of organization. It is essential that it is definitively liked with the understanding management of administrative ethics. The organizational structure is a vital part beca...

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... by the organizational leaders. Society experts are people who work in the government and are projected by the society in many ways. Some of them are the following: the compensation for public servants, public option of the administrators, and the public image of the administrators that is revealed in the popular culture which includes books, plays, movies and political cartoons (Cooper, 2012 pg. 188).
The four major components of ethical conduct are the individual attributes, organizational structure, organizational structure and societal expectations. A responsible administrator should take all of them into account when managing to a certain degree. All four concepts should be integrated into each other and bought together in an approach that seeks to create an environment in which all the components work together to reinforce each other (Cooper, 2012 pg. 192).

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