Why Become A Social Worker Essay

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Why I want to become a Social Worker I have countless reasons as to why I want to become a social worker, however my experience in the foster care system and my background as a refugee are the main motivators of my decision. As a former foster child, social workers ensured my safety and guided me through some very difficult times in my life, and I am very grateful for that. In return, I aspire to help foster children overcome their challenges and succeed in life. I want to become a social worker so I can translate my unparalleled passion to help those in need into effective practice. I believe the social work profession has the power to make a meaningful difference by advocating for the vulnerable, and promoting social and global well-being. …show more content…

It taught me to be resilient, driven, empathetic towards people facing any challenge, also made me a great listener and a creative problem solver. When I came to the United States, I encountered major cultural and language shock. I barely knew any English nevertheless with hard work and great determination; I was able to significantly improve my English within the first year. I refused to let language barrier come between my dreams, which was and still is becoming a social worker. I continue to set new goals for myself and work hard to achieve them. Growing up in the foster care system will also help me understand the youth and family I will be serving. I believe the crucial qualities I gained through my experience equip me for the social work …show more content…

Even though any social injustice deeply concerns me, I am most passionate about reproductive rights and immigration issues. I believe in individual’s rights to terminate a pregnancy, use contraceptives, and gain access to reproductive health services. I support movements to advance reproductive freedom as a fundamental human right by participating in marches, donating when I can, and volunteering. I also show my support to issues most concern me by voting. I always make sure the candidate I am voting for is progressive on most issues especially pro-immigration and recognize women’s right to reproductive

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