Uncomfortable And Safety Case Study

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Issue: Concerned a patient was not receiving the proper continuity of care when a physician placed discharge orders for a patient that required oxygen but did not have oxygen available in his home. Action: Concerned for this patient, called a respiratory therapist to assess him, and the respiratory therapist stated that he did require oxygen. She notified the physician immediately and used the “Concerned, Uncomfortable, and Safety” acronym to express her concerns in a way the physician would truly listen. Outcome: The physician cancelled the patient’s discharge order, was grateful for her communicating this need, and ordered a home oxygen consult. Sustainability: After this occurred, educated other nurses on this issue and empowered them to question the physicians using this acronym to have their concerns heard to increase patient safety. …show more content…

Action: To provide LGBTQ Veterans with holistic care, attended the “The Camouflage Closet” presentation which provided her with the comprehensive training she uses in providing care to these Veterans. On one occasion, she was able to utilize the skills she used from this training to provide care to a male Veteran and his husband who identified as being gay and Jewish. Outcome: Both the patient and spouse were amazed and grateful for the care she provided. Sustainability: Shared this information with her coworkers to raise awareness and give strategies for being sensitive to the needs of LGBTQ

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