The Importance Of Internal Communication In An Organization

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Internal Communication
Internal communication is basically a function which facilitates transfer of vital information within the organization. It’s a field on its own and draws its on theories related to the profession. Internal communication within an organization can happen through email, speech, fax, telephone, paging, CCTV’s, computer networks.
It takes place at all levels of an organization including the higher entities in the hierarchy. This is one of the most critical aspects of an organization as it has become a tool to measure an organization’s well-being. Maintaining internal communication nurtures the relationships within the organization and helps retain the best talent.
In the past, companies produced elaborate publications …show more content…

Difficult jargons can also lead to ineffective communication of ideas
Misinformation and rumors often lead to a loss of control over external situations. When the employees resort to getting market information from external sources such problems arise as the employees are meant to generate such information on their own.
Communication silos can lead to less productivity. This happens when the employees focus too much on their own work and miss out on a bigger picture which results from collaboration. It closes the doors on fresh perspective. This usually happens in large companies. A company cannot move forward if the employees have different …show more content…

The main reasons for employee dissatisfaction is communication related, lack of proper directions and constant change which is not effectively communicated. The employee engagement can take a severe hit if it’s not checked on a regular basis.

Ways to Improve Internal Communication
1. Limiting the internal emails can avoid having clutters. It certainly is the easiest way to communicate but not completely effective. It can be limited by having a three email rule. After three mails one can make calls. At the same time, the frequency of urgent mails should be reduced.
2. Devising alternate ways of communication. Corporate social intranet platforms, in built chat functions, company updates, notification and posting options can improve internal communication. Also video conferencing and mobile apps can reduce the communication gap to a bare minimum. Adopting such mediums can help the employees be updated whether on the move or in office.
3. Communication should be bi-directional. Communication has its own limitations. Encourage the employees to communicate with each other and to the management will result in better productivity.
4. Open door policies can be adopted by managers to listen to employee at all

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