Subculture In Nursing

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If you’ve ever been in the hospital, you know that 99% of the time your nurse will be the one taking care of you, not your doctor. But do you know how many patients your nurse could be taking care of besides you? Most hospital nurses have around six patients at a time, not including the patients they are discharging to go home or go to another floor, just to bring another patient in. What I want to look at is how this effects our care when in the hospital, and how it effect our nurses work experience. The reason I chose my subculture, nurses, is because I am currently planning on getting my associates in science to continue on to my bachelors in nursing. Another reason is because my mother, Crystal, has been a nurse for twenty years and has worked in many different nursing fields so being able to see the …show more content…

Over that time she has made many nursing friends, therefore I decided to interview her and two of her friends; Tiffany and Vanessa. During my interviews I asked many questions: When did you start working as a nurse and how long have you worked at your current job? How is the staffing? What is the turn over rate? Are there any specific problems that occur because of the short staff? What would improve the most if there was better staffing? A few of the answers I got were: “If their was better staffing, more people would stay rather than them having to hire/train new people all the time.” (Crystal) “If they had better staffing, we would have time to finish all of our work during our already twelve hour day rather than having to end up staying fourteen to fifteen hours just to finish charting.” (Tiffany) “I just started nursing a few years ago and I feel I should have listened to everyone that told me not to do it, even though I love taking care of my patients and love my work environment, the way we are treated and expected to take care of six+ patients alone, without breaks is ridiculous.”

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