Similarities Between French Revolution And American Revolution

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The French and American revolutions were similar in multiple ways. Both revolutions started with independence in mind that the monarchical government wasn’t giving them, both were socially unstable to basically anyone who wasn’t wealthy, but the French revolution seemed to have more going on economically with food problems. The two revolutions were close to identical, apart from a couple of key differences. The pair took place in the second half of the eighteenth century, aiming to fix their society’s problems. The governmental problems that caused the American Revolution started with the Seven Years’ War from 1756-1763. North American colonist were upset with British imperial rule, and the government was still facing financial difficulties from the war. The French revolution began quite …show more content…

With this revolt already in progress, in 1788 a hail storm destroyed most of the crops for the French. On top of that the winter was severe too, which caused the worst harvest in decades. This made things even worse with money. Because there were less crops, the price obviously went up, way up. Of course the rich didn’t mind because they could pay the cost. However, the peasants were sent through a rough time with nothing to eat. The American Revolution didn’t quite experience anything like this, so the worst they were doing economically was the taxes to colonist, whereas the French had this added to the problems they already had. To conclude, the revolutions were very much similar in many ways, but they also had their differences. In the end, the American revolution was successful and ended with the creation of the Constitution. The French, however, weren’t as lucky. The revolution led to the leadership of Napoleon Bonaparte in 1799, which wasn’t a bad thing at first. However, his Russian campaign caused a coalition of many armies to take France and convert it back to it’s original monarchy. What a waste of

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