Should Nations Restrict Immigration?

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Should Nations Restrict Immigration?
In this short essay I will address the issue of whether or not nations should restrict immigration. It is important to note that my perspective is derived from years of living in an American society. When I speak of immigrants in many cases I’ll be referring to illegal immigrants, as they are the ones to whom the restrictive laws are made in as a preventative means. Additionally, they are the ones people fear and refer to primarily when discussing immigration.
Laws dictate to what degree immigration is legal. For our purposes, let’s assume the following assertion: All laws are based on the fundamental desire to maintain ethical civility within society. Our goal as members of society should be to improve society. The distribution of wealth is unequal throughout the world. Billionaires dine in yachts, while young children in developing nations die of polio. I am not suggesting a world dictator distribute the wealth as evenly as possible. For this would be subjective, create social chaos, introduce an evil which contradicts the initial sentiment, would be unsustainable and not preferable to society obtaining relative balance on its own--which I believe is possible to a degree. If we accept that all laws should be created in the interest of the world as a whole, the betterment of society and the individual--these values should be applied to any restrictive laws placed in relation to immigration.
The question of whether or not nations should restrict immigration brings up many other questions. Firstly, why do people choose to immigrate to America? With varying degrees of desperation, potential immigrants choose to immigrate to another nation, because they perceive its safety and a betterment ...

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... there were no immigration laws in place, if “just anyone” could walk in and settle down in the United States, we would become overpopulated and be unable to properly care for, protect, educate and otherwise support our citizens. Let’s assume this were to happen if the individuals now considered illegal, could more readily obtain legal citizenship, and let’s pretend massive amounts of immigrants poured into the country daily--we wouldn’t be able to sustain society as we know it now, because of limited land resources. Therefore I propose, that we additionally address the issue we spoke of earlier, that potential immigrants are unsatisfied with their current lives, I believe their lives can be bettered without immigration. I believe that anywhere from politics and hand on work in the nations needing help, will reduce the feelings of urgency surrounding immigration.

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