Reflective Essay: The Philosophy Of Leading By Governing

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Lead by Serving

My leadership is based in the philosophy of service to others by putting those I lead first to empower them to exceed beyond their own expectations. People are inspired to succeed by connection, community, collaboration, motivation and trust. The relationships we establish with divers people by understanding their values, gifts and abilities along with the significant moments that transformed their lives allows them to grow personally and professionally.

Everyone has experienced crucible moments, “a transformative experience in which an individual comes to a new and or altering sense of identity” (Bennis, & Thomas, 2007). My philosophy of leading by serving is based on those integral moments that altered my thinking and redirected my path. For example, when I took my first class at a university and discovered I did not know how to write a complete sentence, or where to place a comma. It was the moment I received a C in a college English class while an athlete who could barely read received an A. Coupled with my first job where my boss lead by example when she cleaned the bathrooms with the …show more content…

I judge personal success by the accomplishments of the people around me when they achieve their goals. There is a quite by Zig Ziglar that states “A lot of people have gone further than they thought they could, because someone else thought they could.” The people like my parents who encouraged me before I could talk, or the family and friends who made me believe I was intelligent and smart where essential to my leadership values. I also consider the events of my life that seemed impossible to get though, such as my husband surviving death only to be sent home in a hospital bed, but endures pain every day of his life so he could watch his children grow up and spend days fully investing in

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