Reflection Of Cultural Differences In The Ancient Law Codes

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I thoroughly enjoyed learning about the ancient law codes such as the Precepts of Ptah-Hotep and Hammurabi’s code, the different gods each civilization found important, the position of power Pharaoh’s held, the differences between Athens and Sparta, and the use of murder for political matters in the Roman republic. One of my favorite topics we discussed was about the earliest humans. It was interesting to learn about the different types of early humans and what separated them from each other. I had never learned about the early humans before this history class, let alone spent an entire lesson on them. I thought it was exciting to learn so much important information. I hope to take more history courses in my college career, so I will be able to build off the knowledge gained in this class. I also plan on doing something with history in my career, and would be able to use the facts I learned in this class in my job. Outside …show more content…

One example being the cultural differences found between the Greek city-states at the height of the Achaean empire. The main differences between Sparta, the warrior filled city-state focused on fighting, and Athens, the democratic city state focused on education and arts, were contradictory in regards to each other. Their differences were so strong that they went to war against each other, fighting for many years in the Peloponnesian war. For the Spartans, their military success led to a victory in the war, and a heightened sense of superiority in regards to the Greek city-states. Athens, on the other hand, was eventually forced to surrender and suffered the humiliating defeat at the end of the war. Their cultural differences, which led to the war, ultimately guided the Spartan’s newfound dominance in the Mediterranean after the Peloponnesian War, and the Athenian’s submission in the Mediterranean after the Peloponnesian

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