Promotional Marketing - Keels Super

1961 Words4 Pages

1.0 Introduction

Keels Super is one of the premier super market chains in the country, which adds value to their products to improve customer satisfaction and retain them in the long term. Keels Super is a supermarket chain, which has number of supermarkets in many of the major cities in the country. Keels Super is the first super market chain in the country who took the initiative in changing the supermarket culture by making many changes, specially in the last decade. There were only few supermarkets for the last two decades, but they were not customer orientated, but Keels Super is the first supermarket that has made a rapid change in customer care. They have introduced some valuable and effective sales promotions in the supermarket industry. The customers have been enjoyed benefits such as wide choice easy payment comfortable shopping environment. Keels have produced lots of employees in Sri Lanka due to their effectiveness of their outlets. Now Keels has been one of the leading supermarkets in Sri Lanka, because their customer services, quality product, and their marketing techniques are very effective than other supermarkets. In the recent past Keels interested in penetrating into areas which it does not have market presence? (Ex.)A supermarket outlet was opened in Gampaha and it tries to penetrate in to untapped areas of the business.

Sales promotion

In marketing, sales promotion is one of the four aspects of promotion. (The other three parts of the promotional mix are advertising, personal selling, and publicity/public relations.) Sales promotion is a short term incentives will encourage the purchase of sales of a product or service. Sales promotions are non-personal promotional efforts that are designed to have an immediate impact on sales. Sales promotion is media and non-media marketing communications employed for a pre-determined, limited time to increase consumer demand, stimulate market demand or improve product availability.

Sales promotion can increase the sales in the short term and sale promotion can increase awareness of the brand among consumers.

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