Persuasive Essay Sports

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Picture this: It’s the League Cross Country meet; the final meet of the year. The hard work has been put in for four long months. It’s time to not just run as fast as possible, but blaze a trail and make a mark! Sports are all about that feeling of achievement and hard work finally paying off. It’s the reaction from friends, family, and the team that produce the accomplishment of success. Sports are meant for the butterflies that develop in your stomach right before the gun goes off. The butterflies don’t symbolize fear; they are a preview of the joy, passion, and exhilaration that is about to blow the other teams away. Sports are an important part of a student athlete because they possess the power to make an individual discover what it means to work with others as a team, produce cohesive time management skills, and develop a strong mental capacity. …show more content…

Being a part of a team teaches student athletes commitment. Having the responsibility of going to practice every single day is not an easy task to undertake, but athletes must do this in order to succeed. Going along with commitment, an athlete must have trust in their teammates. They have to know that they too are committing their time and energy to the sport. With each year in a sport, different people come and go. As a Freshman, one is just learning how to work in a team. By the time they reach their senior year, they are a leader. Being a part of a team allows a student athlete to understand what it means to be a leader. Sports are not fully led by coaches; the students have to be leaders on and off the court. Teamwork isn’t something that ends in sports. It goes all the way through school, college, and a

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