Part-Time Indian

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Playing sports in high school can help get students off the streets and get them to focus on school. In The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie is a story of an Indian kid named Junior who transferred to an all-white school. At his new school, he becomes a good basketball player but he faces lots of hate from his old school at the reservation. Junior joined a basketball team to help him go there problems. More students should be involved in high school sports which can help them with there school academies. Being involved in a school sports team can help students develop skills like teamwork. When Junior made the basketball team, Junior said, “My coach and the other players wanted me to be good. They needed me to be good. They expected me to be good. And so I became good.”(180). Alexie is trying to show that playing a sport and working with a team …show more content…

Being involved in a school sports team can help develop friendships. When Roger and Junior were going one on one at tryouts, Junior said, “I took my place at the back of the line and Roger stood next to me. “Good job,” he said and offered his fist. I bumped his fist with mine. I was a warrior!”(141). Alexie is trying to show playing sports could get students to get along and create new friendships. In the beginning, Roger and Junior didn't get along. Since their in a basketball team, they have to work together. Playing together created friendships between them. At a basketball game when Junior gets hurt his Redom team comes for Junior's defense and Junior explained, “After Rowdy knocked me out, both of our teams got into a series of shoving matches and push-fights”(146). When Junior first went to 99, the kid treated him different and they didn't get along. At first, they use to fight and not get along. But since there is a team together, it helped create friendships between them So now they protect and defend each

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