Blind Side Persuasive Essay

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As Americans, we must take action against(or for) the issue of maintaining good grades while wanting to pursue an athletic career in high school. The reason being is because of untapped potential, bad time management skills, and peer pressure. There are many people who are affected by this issue such as students athletes, their parents/ guardian and the school itself. Lets not forget the hard working coaches that are counting on your presence you don’t wont to let them down.

You already know that being an athlete is hard work and lets not forget living up to others expectations in school. The day of your game you know that you have a big test the next day but also cant let your team and coach down. That means you are a rock stuck in …show more content…

Perseverance and self disciple can make any dream you want into reality. Take the movie “Blind Side” as an example. Michael Other was a yung man who was struggling in school. He wanted to so bad to be place on the football team but his grades was holding him back. The family who adopted him never gave up on him knowing that Michael passion was football. They saw potential in Michael and help him all through school. He know that he had to go big or either home, being that football was everything to him started really paying attention in school and was place on the team. Michael Jackson stated that “The greatest education in the world is watching the master at work.” He is correct physically but not mentally. The greatest education is not giving up on your dream for something less.

A non-athlete is no different than an athlete. An athlete has it just as hard as someone who is studying to be a big time lawyer, military, and a doctor. Toda I am here to convince you that there isn’t anything holding you back from your dreams except you. I want all of you athletes to keep in mind that success is no greater than failure, I rather be a failure who tried than a failure who gave up on his

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