Sports Persuasive Essay

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It 's been outrageous , how many kids get injured per year playing youth sports for school and organizations. The youth who play sports receive plenty medical attention throughout the year due to injuries cause from actions made occuring in games. Health plays a big part in sports because if your are are not healthy many things can go wrong with the body including dehydration, heart problems , and muscle spasm. Playing a sport can be very hard to juggle with school and also getting talked down by coaches and parents. Dehydration is a high possibility because of outside sports that happen in the spring/summer and playing and practicing in humid conditions that you are not well prepared for can be bad and there will be consequences. Parents and …show more content…

The human body needs water to maintain enough blood and other fluids to function properly. Along with the fluids, the body also needs electrolytes, which are salts normally found in blood, other fluids, and cells. Dehydration is a serious health problem but can be treated but coaches and athletes should try to prevent this the most by staying hydrated. One way to make sure your hydrated is the color of your urine: Clear or light-colored urine means you 're well hydrated, whereas a dark yellow or amber color usually signals dehydration. Coaches can help prevent their athletes from being dehydrated in humid conditions are by Requiring young athletes to drink plenty of fluids before practice and during regular beverage breaks even if they aren 't thirsty, Make sure clothing is light colored, lightweight and loose fitting, or exposes as much of the skin as possible, and Decrease or stop practices or competitions if necessary, or move them indoors or to a shady area. Reasons for dehydration that athletes should now and be able to prevent are Wearing clothing or protective gear that contributes to excessive heat retention,Rarely exercising ,Is overweight or obese, is sick or had a recent illness, especially involving diarrhea, vomiting or a fever,Is taking certain supplements or medications, such as cold medicine. Last if any athletes are expiriencing any feeling of dehydration symptoms are Dry or sticky mouth, Thirst ,Dizziness and excessive fatigue. f your child plays sports in hot weather, encourage him or her to drink plenty of fluids before, during and after practices and games. Teach your child the signs and symptoms of dehydration, as well as the importance of speaking up if they occur. Involve your child 's coach, too. Talk to the coach about adjusting the intensity of practice depending on the temperature and humidity on the field and support the coach 's decision to cancel games and practices

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