Orientated Biomedical Model Of Nursing

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The more time I have spent in a hospital setting, I have noticed there are two types of nurses. There is one type who takes the time to care for patients as a whole and the second type who just care for patient’s medical illnesses. Jean Watson and Roxie Foster explained, nurses are actually being “torn between the human caring model of nursing that attracted them to the profession and the task orientated biomedical model and institutional demands that consumes their practice time” (2003 p. 360). As nurses, and nursing students, we play a key role in the daily activates of our patients, their overall treatment during their hospital stay, and their outcome in a holistic view. You will see how this role is played out through peer-reviewed and published journals, and statistical outcomes of patients related to their basic level of care from the nurse. …show more content…

In this article it discusses how patients were bathed daily, mainly the article is comparing the two types of methods that patients could be bathed by, but while reading this I saw the aspects of the study itself on a deeper level. Patients were getting bathed daily. This is one of the most intimate moments when can share with our patients. We have the chance to make them feel comfortable and have time to assess them while also communicating with them for more then a few moments. This is also a way that we can give them self

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