Nurses In Margaret Edson's Play Wit

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In Margaret Edson’s play Wit, a cancer patient promoted her end of life decision to her primary nurse rather than her supervisor doctor, and asks her primary nurse to take care of her till death. For result, there was one huge fighting between Vivian’s primary nurse Susie and doctor Jason when her heart stop beats.
Susie: She’s DNR! (She grabs him.)
Jason: (He pushes her away.) She’s Research!
Susie: She’s NO CODE! (82) Although nurses do not wield the power of doctors in hospital settings, they are still able to effectively compensate for a doctor’s deficits in a variety of ways to assure patient recovery. Nurses meet a patient’s physical needs, which assures comfort and dignity Nurses explain and translate unfamiliar procedures and treatments to patients which makes the patient a partner in his own care and aids in patient compliance. Nurses communicate patient symptoms and concerns to physicians so treatment can be altered if necessary and most importantly, nurses provide emotional support to patients in distress. The first way effective nurses can compensate for a doctor’s deficits is by meeting the physical needs of a patient, something doctors …show more content…

Nurses help patients with their physical needs with details, explain the complex steps of medical treatment, communicate with doctors to share patients’ health conditions and proper treatments, and give emotional support to patients in stressful situations. There are certain limitations that nurses have in decision makings because doctors obtain the most power in patients’ medical clinics. However, nurses are more friendly, helpful, and suffering for patients. Lastly, experienced nurses can make a better choice for the patients over young and un-experience

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