Mistreatment Of Jewish People After Ww2 Essay

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In the years between 1920-1940, during the Nazi-controlled time, the Nazi's had brought daunting social, economic and communal changes to the German-Jewish community. They believed that Germans were ‘racially superior’ and that all the other races were inferior, especially the Jews. Along the Jews, the Nazis targeted Polish people, Slavic people, Communists and Gypsies or any other people who did not belong to the Aryan race.

This is the beginning of the treatment of the Jews, it was truly one of the most difficult times Jewish people had to go through.

Once Hitler was in power, new laws were given out specifically for the Jews. One of them included: Jewish children weren’t allowed to attend the same school as German children - a photo of the children after they were informed about this in Source 5. The aim of this was to separate the Jews from other children, encourage hatred towards the Jews and preventing them from getting an education. Jews were often portrayed as selfish and bad people in textbooks and children’s stories. By the time children reach at the age of 8, they strongly believed that Jews were bad people. This clearly shows the unfair mistreatment of the Jews as they didn't have the ‘privilege’ to receive an education. …show more content…

The Jews were taken to concentration camps without knowing what to do but to obey the orders. The old, the weak, the physically disabled were sent directly to the gas chambers, slowly poisoned to death. Whereas the strong, the physically capable were forced to work in order to live; to dig graves, lifting supplies, and reinforce the Nazi war effort. This shows how the Jews were being used and manipulated by the Germans and the terrible circumstances the Jews were forced to live

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