Let's Expose The Gender Pay Gap Essay

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All across the career pool, whatever field it may be, there is a disparity in the proportion of men to women in leadership positions that hold power and respect. This is even truer for women of color. One would think that within fields such as biology, physics and psychology, which are known for being innovative fields set on progressing human life, this inequality would be less prevalent. However, this is not the case. Even in the STEM fields, there is a serious lack of women in leading positions and a gap in the salaries of men and women when controlling for factors such as age, experience and position. Why this is of such great interest and a serious issue is that it is hindering society at the lowest and highest levels. Change is imminent and necessary for the sake of every organization and for society’s wellbeing as a whole. In addition, despite numerous studies …show more content…

Through requiring that each major company with 250 or more employees to report the earnings of their employees, it would be possible to close the gap between genders and ethnicities in regards to the disparity in salaries for each minority group. It was reported that “women one year out of college earn 6.6 percent less than men”, a statistic which is indicative that this issue is running rampant from the very start of a woman’s career. It supports the idea that the excuses a company may make for the differences in the earnings of women vs. men in their workplace are unfounded and rooted in not simple mistakes, but a discrimination that runs deep. In Britain, there is a new law that requires companies to report employee earnings. It was intensely difficult to get this law passed, but the results are worth it. Already, leaders are noticing gaps in the wages of the people that hold their companies together, and taking steps to correct

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