Jake's Revelation

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Matts Djos said “…every character in The Sun Also Rises is, by virtue of alcoholism, a manipulative self-loathing wreck incapable of genuine love or friendship. They keep their lives deliberately disordered and permanently doused with liquor to camouflage their spiritual bankruptcy.” There are many problems with this statement. The main problem is that he says “every character”. While these traits are evident in many characters, there are some characters that do not show these traits. The second most prominent problem with Mr. Djos statement is that he does not clarify what he means by saying “love”.
Jake Barnes is one of the characters who show that Djos statement is incorrect. He fits the definition of what Hemingway calls a hero. He is at peace with his existence. He has no need to “camouflage” his “spiritual bankruptcy”. He enjoys his life as it is and sees no reason to change it. During the novel Jake goes through a revelation and realizes that everything is going to be ok. This is one of the things that cause Jake to be at peace with his existence.
“Then in the quiet water ...

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