Importance Of Maintaining Positivity Essay

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Everyone strives for happiness. Positivity is the key to being happy. Maintaining positivity can be hard with some of the curveballs that life throws at you. Everyone has different coping mechanisms. Some of the ways a person could stay positive would be to find the things that motivate you to wake up every morning, admitting your problems and finding the good in them, and the most important one, taking care of yourself. If you follow my steps you will learn how to live a more positive life. One of the main keys to maintaining positivity would be to find your motivations in life. Ask yourself, “What inspires me to get out of my bed every morning?” and do it! The first thing that I think about when I wake up is food. I make sure every morning …show more content…

As much as we want life to be perfect, it just isn't. We all have problems we have to face. Like the loss of loved ones, break-ups, or divorced parents. It is important to know that bad things are only temporary. When a person is struggling, the first thing they try to do is avoid it. Pushing your problems down will cause them to stay with you. Instead of shoving your issues to the back of your brain, try to be hopeful about the situation. Think about the positive side of things. Focusing on good things instead of the bad is an easy way to stay positive. Focus on things like sunshine, puppies, or the people that love you instead of putting all your attention on the negative side of things. When unexpected tragedies like losing a loved one happens, stay focused on how the person that passed is now at peace. Think about how that person never missed one of your birthday parties. It is important to remember the ways they made you happy when they were alive instead of the fact that they are gone. A mindset like this can go a long way when it comes to devastating things like death. Once you make a habit of turning negative things into positive thoughts, it becomes a routine. The longer you do something, the easier it is to accomplish. It is relieving to admit your struggles. That's why there are therapists. Therapy is a useful solution when it comes to not …show more content…

You cannot expect to be happy if you don't take care of yourself. Getting enough sleep, eating clean foods, and basic hygiene are all important to living a positive lifestyle. It is proven that if a person gets 8 hours of sleep, they are more likely to have a happier, more productive day. When you pamper your body, the outcome shows. It is also important to give yourself a break every once in awhile. Too much stress can make you feel down about yourself. Stress can also cause you to eat more than you are supposed to, which overall causes you to feel full and tired. Fueling your body with nutritious foods such as fruits and vegetables is important. These foods help you feel energized. What you put in your body can affect how you feel. It is easy to be positive with a clean

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