How To Write An Essay About Going To College

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Going to college can enable you to have a richer life. Here are a few justifications, people who graduate college are less likely to be in poverty, you’re more likely to be hired than a high school graduate, compared to a high school graduate, you make more money than those who decide not to participate in college.
There are bountiful positive side effects of a person who attended and completed their college education. College grads are not as likely to live in poverty as a high school grad. The poverty rates are shocking between the two, high school grads have a rate of 21.8, contrasting that college graduates have a 5.8% that live in poverty.
Nowadays an abundance of jobs that require a college degree, which means if you went to college and successfully complete that major you have a higher chance of being hired into that career. There is a larger number of unemployed people who didn’t achieve …show more content…

Even if college graduates make more money, there’s the student loan that they owe. Depending on which college you attend, the price will vary, and so will your loan. A vast amount of college graduates will struggle to pay off their debt, forcing them to live with relatives and become more dependant on them. With a large amount of people who struggle to pay off their debt, will have a hard time of reaching that milestone of paying off college, being successful, all by the age of 30. Going to college does not guarantee you a spot to work. You also have to learn on how to apply for jobs, how to fill out the application, how to do well in a interview. This essay is to not discourage you from going to college, but to motivate you to work harder than ever. No one wants to be in that position where they are concerned about what they might eat, or if they will

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