Going to college may or may not be a choice for you! Having a college education is not the only way to be successful. When making the decision to go to college many people will ask themselves “Is it worth it?” A college education has many benefits. Following the benefits of an education are also the disadvantages. There are many different perspectives on this idea. The decision to become a college graduate is solely up to oneself and one’s own perspective on the idea of success. Many people these days tend to believe that the higher the degree they earn the more money they will make. Thus far the more successful they will one day be. Although in some instances that may be true, that is not always the case. For example, my aunt graduated from …show more content…
Having a college education is very beneficial for a person’s future. The degree itself is not the most beneficial aspect of a person’s success in the future nor is the type or rank of school attended will be most beneficial. The education received throughout the years in college will be the most beneficial reward in a student’s life. The education a person receives from a college experience is not only the textbook education or the education provided by the professors but also the real-life experiences. The real-life experience benefits are what will truly matter in the future. A few specific benefits from a college education are the life experiences, the commitment to someone/something other than yourself, the skills achieved such as time management and organization, and also the self-sufficiency a person profits. College is also a great time to find yourself through the chaos of balancing life and maintaining passing grades. “Another one of the many benefits of a college education is meeting others from distant places with diverse backgrounds.” (McGuire) In high school, students do not have the wide range of people from different backgrounds. In college, students are introduced to everything new to life and along with that comes other students from different areas of life. Going to college and having the
College. Educational benefits that can help a person succeed in the vast majority of life’s careers. When I think of college, I think of hard work. I think of the dedication it takes to achieve a universal goal. Graduate with a degree that will further help to apply for a desired job. The course to get there may not be easy, but when the rich feeling of obtaining a diploma is near, it is more than worth the time. My road to success with college may differ from the average student. See, I am currently enlisted in the United States Air Force. To better understand my goals of college, one could look at the time and money it will take for me to graduate, how college benefits me, and more specifically, how English composition will better my future.
Preparing for College after graduating from high school is considered to be as one of the most thought by students. Even so, most students nowadays are uncertain whether attending college will be a good advantage for them. Some believe that it is a waste of time and money, but most people consider it as a reason to thrive in life. Unlike High school, College is certainly different because it determines your future and should be taken more earnestly by the students. College education is a worth of cost because it basically provides students with great benefits, which can be a good help in shaping their future goals.
One benefit of college is that you will have better self-discipline after you get out of college. This is true because people who don’t go to college only have a high school education in which they babied you to get you through. College allows people to grow and develop into more mature people. Once you have matured from college you realize you have to prioritize your life. Having a higher level of education will make you stand out on an application; if it is you and someone without a college education
How important is a college education? High school seniors should consider going to college because students who gain a college education often have higher lifetime earnings and a great quantity of other benefits. There are more employers who choose to hire applicants with college degrees. People who lack college degrees are more likely to be limited to basic jobs. Those with a high school education may obtain jobs with good benefits, but college graduates often earn better. Although going to college costs a lot, it is actually true that high school seniors should go to college because they’ll learn more skills that can be applied to their jobs and they’ll have much more benefits while having a career.
College prepares students with more knowledge to succeed later on in life. Even though in one learn a lot more knowledge, and responsible in college it is not always a good. After the student graduate from college they are still unemployed or underemployed. The stress from college can later on cause health problems. Students are usually overwhelmed with all the work they have to do just to get a degree that does not guarantee them a job. According to Brian Kelly, “If colleges were businesses, they would be ripe for hostile takeovers, complete with serious cost-cutting and painful reorganizations (Kelly
People have very different reasons on why going to college and getting an education is important for them. Some people go to college because that is what is expected of them, and others go because they have nothing else better to do. However, I am interested in going to college and obtaining a good education because it will benefit my family, my country, and me.
In our society, a college education is no longer an option or privilege, but rather a necessity. The main reason people go to college is not because they want to, but because they have to. Guidance counselors and parents pressure most high school seniors to go to college because it is “the right thing to do.” Our society has it in our mind that if a person does not go to college they will not become successful. Exactly one year ago I was in high school, and being a senior was probably the most stressful year. Most seniors worried about filling out college applications and deciding what major to do. Inputting all your grades and knowing that you were not the best student is especially stressful. For most people, going to college seems
College instills attitudes, skills and other characteristics that make college graduates different from those who do not go on to college. It will help the student develop skills specific to their career path and crucial for future job success
...all of the sides to whether college is worth the cost, it is evident that college is in fact worth the cost of tuition. College should be looked at as an investment. A college education will give the graduate more money in the end, than they invested. Even though there are temptations in college, the advantages that college gives their students far surpasses the amount of temptations there are along the way. Most college graduates graduate, and earn a degree by surpassing the temptations college gives, and instead taking in all of the advantages that it is able to offer. Even though college, becomes a redundant seven letter word, that people often get tired of hearing, college is the right step in life, for students after high school. A college education is a valuable investment that everyone should strive to achieve, and is completely worth the expensive cost.
Many of the personal benefits to gaining a college education include increased wealth and standard of life. In today’s job market, those people with college degrees have a better chance of employment. Also, those jobs that require a college degree are significantly higher paying jobs. If someone is trying to improve their standard of life a college degree can offer them more money and a generally higher standard of life that comes with better employment. Some people are trying to improver their personal and family situations through the increased job benefits of a college
A college experience makes people happier and hard working. Sixty-one percent of people say that success requires work ethic (Pew) By going through college, you learn how to keep a positive attitude and incredible work
College education essentially is the key to success in the future. It opens many doors of opportunity and allows us to explore every option available. College education can provide a student with new exciting opportunities that they would never had if they drop out of at high school. I would like to share some of the benefits that furthering your education can provide, and as well as the joy it can bring to each and every one of us.
Despite the benefits of college, people choose not to go. There are many factors that will influence a person’s life. One major thing is whether or not to get educated. A college education can open the door to many people in different ways. With the point that college can take you a far way with your life.
Higher education in the United States arose as an answer to the need to train clergy for the seminary. Throughout the centuries, higher education has evolved to become one of the principal means in educating individuals in specific areas of study. Individuals seek higher education to become more proficient in a particular occupation, area of study, or as a requisite for employment or advancement in specific fields such as engineering, management, or the sciences. The benefits that individuals who attend institutions of higher learning realize are more than education; the benefits are numerous and consist of socioeconomic benefits as well as personal benefits for the scholar, including income benefits, employment advantages as well as personal advantages.
Going to college did not seem like a reality when I was submitting applications senior year. My choices were to stay home, work, attending the local university, and pay my way through, or get a scholarship to attend another university. Fortunately, I have been able to receive enough aid to support me without having a need to work. I have always been grateful for having a supportive mother who raised and put my sister and I through college. My mother came to this country where she worked while getting an education, ambition that has rubbed off. From a young age, I quickly learned the value of the dollar, and if I wanted something it was not going to come at my request, but would have to be earned, meaning I would have to pay for it. While in