How Does The Hunger Games Impact Society

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Have you ever wondered, what could be different about the world we’re living in today? That is probably what dystopian novelist, Suzanne Collins, thought when she started writing The Hunger Games. This novel takes you on a rollercoaster of emotions as soon as you start reading. You learn to love Katniss for thinking about herself, after her sister, Prim, and only friend, Gale, and then you’re ripped out of that as soon as you find out that she has to murder to get by. Together, she and the baker's boy, fight for their lives in one of the most famous dystopian fights, ever. This book, can help impact society in many different ways.
First off, when reading, The Hunger Games, you are able to dream of something as if it were to be real. By being able to do this, you can change our mindset and how you think about things found within the novel. Sometimes, there just needs to be a little push to learn more about …show more content…

In the book, almost everything that was related to technology was something that most people don’t think about everyday, and even if someone wa told to think about some sort of electronic device, or something that requires the use of technology, people would think of a cellphone, or even an elevator, they wouldn’t think about a genetically modified bird that, once they all die off, cannot be remade again. This quote states that, “It’s a little scary because his appearance has been virtually unchanged during all that times...They do surgery in the Capitol, to make people look younger and thinner” (Collins 124). This quote shows that, even though there are things in this world that are somewhat like this, nothing can be compared to what they can do in this book. Even though we are close to making people look younger, longer, we are still very far from it, and Panem has known about this for

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