Mocking Jay

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Summary: The Mockingjay is the third book in the Hunger Games series and is the final book to the series. In this book, Katniss Everdeen and her family and friends start to live in a strict new world now as District Thirteen. There were thirteen districts at first and then a war between District Thirteen and the Capitol began. The Capitol lost and they came to an agreement that District Thirteen would act as if they had lost but in exchange got their own land. After District Thirteen stole Katniss from the 75th Hunger Games arena the Capitol bombed Katniss’s district and they had to move to District Thirteen and begin a new life under tight lockdown of the district in fear of attack. Katniss is asked to pose as the Mockingjay which is the face of the rebellion. In exchange for her work she asked for some of her friends in the Capitol to be granted immunity from the war crimes that all people in the Capitol will face. After Katniss poses as the Mockingjay she then leads all of the twelve districts into rebellion. The only city left is the Capitol, in the center of the country. She is led into urban warfare in the Capitol and Finnick (one of the previous Hunger Games members) is killed. After she reaches the president’s mansion she sees a hovercraft approach and drop care packages to kids that are actually bombs and Katniss’s sister, Prim dies in the explosion while helping the children. Once they captured the president they begin to film Katniss killing the president, but instead kills the president District Thirteen because she dropped the bombs on the children while killing her sister. After she kills President Coin the late leader of District Thirteen she is relocated to the ruins of District twelve and Peeta (her husband) is th...

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... because I like books that have action, adventure, and a good story. The part of this book that makes it my favorite is mostly because I like books that end the series since I hate cliffhangers at the end of the series because you never now what is going to happen because that is the last book. Another part of this book that makes it my favorite is that there are lots of sub stories that make it more interesting to read. The largest sub story in the book is wether Peeta will even like Katniss or hate her the rest of his life since he was brainwashed by the Capitol using poison. This book would make a great movie if they won’t add or subtract something from the story like they have done with so many other books that have turned into movies. If they keep it the way it is it will make a great movie because the plot fits into what people like these days which is action.

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